Categories: Criminal Law


Klingele, Cecelia

Course Data

Room 2225
MTWR 9:25am-10:20am

Pass/Fail: No

Course Description

This course provides an introductory survey of the criminal justice process from the commission of crime through the completion of correctional supervision. It highlights the sources of law governing each stage in the process, and emphasizes the role of discretion in decisions related to policing, prosecution, sentencing, and corrections.

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

• Identify the steps in a criminal prosecution, both prior to and following the commencement of a formal criminal action.

• Recite the basic governing principles that guide police in searches, seizures, and interrogations, and that govern the disclosure of discovery documents by prosecutors.

• Possess a basic understanding of the criminal and civil ramifications of criminal conviction.

• Understand the role of the lawyer at each stage of a case, from pre-charge interrogation through correctional supervision.

• Identify and know how to utilize multiple sources of legal guidance relevant to criminal cases, including Constitutional principles, administrative rules, ABA Standards, ethics rules, and local rules and policies.

• Define and understand what discretion means and how it is exercised throughout the adjudication of a criminal case.

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