Categories: Intellectual Property Business, Corporate, Commercial Law International and Comparative Law


Ghosh, Shubha

Course Data

Room 3261
MTWRF 1:20pm-2:15pm

Pass/Fail: Yes

Course Description

Intellectual property is an important element of international trade and a controversial issue in international relations.  This course will analyze the concept of intellectual property, often presented in a national context, within the sphere of international treaty relations.  The course will focus on four broad topics: extraterritoriality of U.S. law; patent protection and access to pharmaceuticals; the tension between legal protection for authors and artists and the protection of publishers and intermediaries under copyright law; and the role of trademarks in global trade.  The primary casebook is Chow & Lee, International Intellectual Property.  The course is structured as a seminar.  We will meet intensively for 2-3 weeks to explore a topic after which you will be given some time to prepare a 10-15 page paper on the topic at hand.  Those interested in upper division writing credit for the course should consult with me directly at  Please contact me at this email address for other questions as well.
This three credit course is scheduled for 5
times a week, at 55 minutes a session, so that we can meet intensively to go
deeply into materials with no class meetings at different times of the semester
to permit writing of papers.  There will be three paper assignments over
the semester, and the class will meet for thirty class sessions.

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