Categories: Health Law Human Rights Administrative and Regulatory Law


Spitzer-Resnick, Jeffrey
Greenley, Mary
Hanna, Jodi

Course Data

Room 3268
R 3:30pm-5:30pm

Pass/Fail: No

Course Description

Course Overview: This seminar will survey the major laws that affect people with disabilities, including Special Education, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Fair Housing Amendments Act, Social Security Disability, SSI, Medicaid and other financial issues, Human Services delivery systems, Protective Services and Placement, the Right to Appropriate Treatment and Services, Guardianship, competence, Informed Consent, Substituted Judgment, and Forced Treatment: Civil Commitment and the Right to Refuse Treatment. Teaching Methods: This course is a seminar taught by four attorneys who work for the Wisconsin Coalition for Advocacy, the protection and advocacy agency for people with disabilities in Wisconsin, and one attorney who works with the disability benefit specialist program. Each attorney will be responsible for seminars in the area of his/her expertise. There will be three in-class exercises to help students develop practice skills in the areas of special education, discrimination, and mental health law. Students will be expected to participate in two of the three exercises. There will also be a one 15-20 page paper due at the end of the semester.

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