Categories: Business, Corporate, Commercial Law Bankruptcy Law


McDermott, Megan

Course Data

Room 2225
MW 9:00am-10:20am

Pass/Fail: Yes

Course Description

This course is an overview of federal bankruptcy law, with a particular focus on Chapters 7, 11, and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code. The course will focus on core concepts in consumer and business bankruptcies, and will also explore recent developments in the law including pending Supreme Court cases.

Learning Goals/Course Objectives:

Students will understand the structure of the bankruptcy system, the role of the main players in the bankruptcy system (debtors, creditors, and trustees), and the key tools available to each constituency in both consumer and business bankruptcies.

Students will have a functional knowledge of the main forms and schedules filed by a Debtor, and will be able to use the information in these filings to advise creditor clients.

Students will be able to make a reasoned policy argument critiquing or defending Congress’s choices in designing and amending the Bankruptcy Code, as well as the leading cases interpreting it.

Students will have the analytical skills necessary to resolve basic problems in consumer and business bankruptcies by identifying the relevant provisions of the Bankruptcy Code and applying them.

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