The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion Election results: One of America’s worst prosecutors lost last night, but one of its worst attorneys general won

November 4, 2015 at 1:18 p.m. EST

Mississippi was one of a handful of states to hold statewide elections last night. Regular readers of The Watch will recognize a couple of the names on the ballot.

First, the good news: Longtime district attorney Forrest Allgood was defeated by challenger Scott Colom. Allgood had been DA for the state’s 16th judicial district since 1989. During that time, he became one of the most aggressive prosecutors in the country and a vocal defender of notorious medical examiner Steven Hayne and the disgraced bite mark “expert” Michael West. Allgood continued to both use and defend West long after he’d been widely considered a fraud, even within the already-suspect community of bite mark analysts. He, in fact, once compared West to Copernicus, calling him a man of science widely misunderstood by his contemporaries.