Please use the section below to access basic details about Bar Success skills sessions and other info about Bar success or MPRE that test-takers need to know.
This info is provided for your convenience. You are encouraged to get the most updated info for specific state bars through the links provided.
Course Selection
You should consider taking courses that are tested on the bar exam of the state in which you plan to apply for a license to practice law. See the following two documents to help you decide on courses.
We encourage you to complete these two exercises so that you know how you are situated to sit for your Bar Exam. You may make in individual one-on-one appointment to discuss your completed exercises.
You may also want to visit the "Planning Your Academic Program" UW Law website.
Tests & Requirements by State
All states, outside of Wisconsin, require you to sit for their Bar Exam to practice law in that state. Each state tests differently, so make sure to check with your state to see how you will be tested. A list of requirements by state is below.
Bar Requirements by State: This info is provided for your convenience. You are encouraged to get the most updated info for specific state bars through the links provided.
- Types of Tests Offered by State (PDF): This info is provided for your convenience. You are encouraged to get the most updated info for specific state bars through the links provided.
Bar Success Skills Sessions
Bar Success Skills Sessions
Bar Success Skills Sessions are offered each Fall and Spring semester.
Dates | Time |
Feb 20, 27; Mar 6, 13, 20; Apr 3, 10 | 12:00-12:50 in room 3253 |
Bar Success Skills Sessions builds on analytical, writing, and organizational skills that students use during their law school years with the goal of enhancing students' ability to prepare for the bar exam. Although most intensive preparation for the bar will occur in the eight to ten weeks before the bar exam, this class will give students a foundational jump-start by introducting them to:
- The format and components of the bar exam
- The scope of preparing for the 3 tests on the Bar Exam
- Test-specific strategies for the MPT, Essay Writing, and MBE
- Bar Success specific study and organiztional skills
This class is not intended to replace commercial bar preparation courses. They complement such courses well and will enhance critical reading, thinking, and writing skills to maximize the chances of success on the bar exam.
Scope of the Sessions:
This class focuses on 3 aspects of the bar exams: the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), Essay Exam (the MEE/ State essay), and the Multistate Performance Test (MPT). Focus will be devoted to components of each test so that students know what to expect and strategies to adopt for successful performance on each test. Students will:
- Learn review methods for tested areas of law;
- Complete practice essay, multiple-choice and performance test questions;
- Engage in small-group learning during class, and
- Receive individual feedback on written answers.
What you should know about Bar Success Skills Sessions:
- It is free
- It is not graded
- It is not for credit
Why should you take the class?
- To get a head-start on preparing for the Bar Exam by becoming familiar with the expectations and scope of the exam.
- To learn HOW (skills) to answer questions on each of the 3 tests.
Is this different from the commercial prep courses like BarBri, Themis, Kaplan, etc.?
Yes, the commercial courses focus a lot more on the "what" (contents) of the subjects tested on the bar exam. The skills class emphasizes the "how".
It is well established that test-takers need to master both the how and the what to do well on the Bar Exam. Please respond here to indicate your interest in taking any of these classes and/or if you have questions.
Bar Exams: Test Information
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE)
The Uniform Bar Exam is composed of 3 tests and the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) develops and adminsters them:
- Multistate Bar Exam (MBE)
- Multistate Essay Examination (MEE), and
- Multistate Performance Test (MPT).
Visit the NCBE for the most updated information.
See below for more information about the MBE, MEE, and MPT. Note that not all States use the MEE for essay-testing--- use the links below to view state-specific essay questions for states not using the MEE.
Multistate Bar Examination (MBE)
The Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) is a 200-question multiple choice exam administered over two 3-hour sessions. The goal of the MBE is to assess the extent to which the test taker can apply fundemantal legal principles and legal reasoning to analyze given fact patterns.
More information about the MBE.
Multistate Essay Examiniation (MEE):
The Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) consists of six 30-minute essay questions. The purpose of the MEE is to test the test takers ability to:
- Identify legal issues
- Identify relevant material
- Present a reasoned analysis of the relevant issues in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner
- Demonstrate an understanding of the fundemental legal principles relevant to the probable solution of the issues raised by the factual situation.
More information about the MEE.
Past Essay Exams Questions by State
Many state bar examiners release essay and performance test questions used on prior Bar Exams. In addition, some states release sample answers to these exam questions. If you intent to take a certain state's bar exam, review the past questions and answers as part of your Bar Exam preparation. Links to many state's released questions are listed below.
- Alaska
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- Puerto Rico
- South Dakota (under Representative Passing Answer)
- Texas
- Vermont
- Virginia
Multistate Performance Test
The Multistate Performance Test is a 90-minute test designed to test the ability of the test-taker to complete assigned routine tasks that a new attorney is expected to perform in the practice of law. It is intended to test a test-taker’s ability to use fundamental lawyering skills in a realistic situation.
Bar Exam Study Resources
Study Resources for Bar Exams:
- National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) Study Aids
- Visit or contact the Bar Success office.
MPRE: Basic Information
Description of the Test:
- According to the NCBE, the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) is a two-hour, 60 multiple-choice examination that is administered three times per year.
- It is required for admission to the bars of all but two US jurisdictions (Wisconsin and Puerto Rico).
- Note: Connecticut and New Jersey accept successful completion of a law school course on professional responsibility in lieu of a passing score on the MPRE.
- Becasue MPRE requirements vary from one jurisdiction to another, candidates are advised to check with the bar admission agency in the jurisdiction to which they seek admission before registering for the MPRE.
- Passing scores are established by each jurisdiction.
Please visit the NCBE website for the most updated information.
Test Administration | Recommended Submission Date to Apply for Accommodations | Registration Deadline (Fee: $160) |
March 26 or 27, 2025 | December 4, 2024 | January 23, 2025 |
August 20 or 21, 2025 | April 30, 2025 | June 18, 2025 |
November 13 or 14, 2025 | July 30, 2025 | September 25, 2025 |
MPRE Study Resources
Study Aids for MPRE:
- NCBE Study Aids
- Visir or contact the Bar Success office.