Exam Updates
Current Exam4 Software Version - Fall 2025 Midterm Exams
The Exam4 software is available for Fall 2025 Midterm Exams as of February 10, 2025.
You must download an updated version of the Exam4 software every semester for each exam period. If you have midterms that use the Exam4 software, you will need to download it twice per semester: once for midterms and once for final exams. The Law School will notify students via email when the updated software is ready for download each semester for midterms and again for final exams.
Reschedule Deadline for Spring 2025 Final Exams - March 21
Final exams can only be rescheduled in accordance with Law School Rule 6.03. To petition to reschedule a final exam, follow the instructions to "Reschedule Exams Due to Schedule Conflicts" by March 21.
Accommodation Notification Deadline for Spring 2025 Final Exams - March 21
In order to guarantee accommodations for final exams, the Law School must receive your Student Accommodation Letters via McBurney Connect by March 21. After that date, accommodations cannot be guaranteed, as the Law School might not have sufficient time for preparation.
Last updated: 3/4/2025
General Information
Exam Period
The Spring 2025 exam period is April 26 through May 8.
Proctored Exam Info
Proctored exams are administered in-person at the Law School and promptly begin on the scheduled date at 10:00 a.m. (Central Time), unless otherwise indicated on the Exam Schedule. We suggest planning to arrive to your exam room at least 15 minutes before your exam begins.
Take-Home Exam Info
Take-home exams are administered remotely. You will access the questions via the Exam4 website, and you will prepare and submit your response using the Exam4 software.
- Date-specific take-home exams:
- Available for download from the Exam4 website from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on the assigned date.
- The clock will begin to run as soon as you have accessed your exam via the Exam4 website. You must prepare and submit your response via the Exam4 software by the end your allotted time (set by your instructor) or by 11:59 p.m. on that day, whichever comes first.
- Anytime take-home exams:
- Available for download from the Exam4 website from 12:01 a.m. on the first day of the exam period to 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the exam period.
- The clock will begin to run as soon as you have accessed your exam via the Exam4 website. You must prepare and submit your response via the Exam4 software by the end your allotted time (set by your instructor) or by 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the exam period, whichever comes first.
It is important to plan your take-home exam start time accordingly so that you have your full time. For example, if you have an 8-hour specific-date take-home exam, and you start it at 6 p.m., it will still be due at 11:59 p.m., even though you have not used the full 8 hours. The same is true for anytime take-home exams - the final deadline to submit is 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the exam period, so be sure to start early enough to get your full time.
To the extent possible, we strongly encourage you to take your take-home exams during normal business hours, as Law School staff and the Law School Help Desk may not be available after hours.
All times are listed in Central Time.
Exam Schedule
Proctored exams promptly begin on the scheduled date at 10:00 a.m., unless otherwise indicated. We suggest planning to arrive to your exam room at least 15 minutes before your exam begins. All proctored exams require the use of the Exam4 software.
Take-home exam availability depends on whether the exam is date-specific or may be taken anytime during the exam period.
Mid Terms/Early Finals
**Restrictions on hardcopy materials: Because take-home exams are not proctored, there are no restrictions on hardcopy materials. Thus, "n/a" is listed in this column for all take-home exams. For an explanation of the various restrictions on hardcopy materials, please visit the Proctored Exam Instructions page.