Exam Updates
Current Exam4 Software Version - Fall 2025 Midterm Exams
The Exam4 software is available for Fall 2025 Midterm Exams as of February 10, 2025.
You must download an updated version of the Exam4 software every semester for each exam period. If you have midterms that use the Exam4 software, you will need to download it twice per semester: once for midterms and once for final exams. The Law School will notify students via email when the updated software is ready for download each semester for midterms and again for final exams.
Reschedule Deadline for Spring 2025 Final Exams - March 21
Final exams can only be rescheduled in accordance with Law School Rule 6.03. To petition to reschedule a final exam, follow the instructions to "Reschedule Exams Due to Schedule Conflicts" by March 21.
Accommodation Notification Deadline for Spring 2025 Final Exams - March 21
In order to guarantee accommodations for final exams, the Law School must receive your Student Accommodation Letters via McBurney Connect by March 21. After that date, accommodations cannot be guaranteed, as the Law School might not have sufficient time for preparation.
Last updated: 3/4/2025
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Rescheduling exams due to schedule conflicts
You must take your examinations at the scheduled times and in the format specified on the Exam Schedule, unless there are "extraordinary and compelling circumstances" or if the Law School Rules specifically provide for rescheduling.
The deadline to petition to reschedule an exam pursuant to Law School Rule 6.03 is posted each term on the Exam Info page under "Exam Updates." The deadline is typically approximately one month before final exams begin. After this deadline, Dean Devine can only accept requests to reschedule exams based on emergencies or circumstances not known before the deadline (see Emergency Procedures below).
To petition to reschedule an exam, fill out the "Petition to Reschedule an Exam" form available on the Law School's Forms page and email it to Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Lauren Devine at lauren.devine@wisc.edu. On the petition form, refer to the section of the rules that justifies the change of schedule or explain the "extraordinary and compelling circumstance."
Dean Devine will review your petition, email you any follow-up inquiries, and return a decision after the deadline. If approved, Dean Devine will email you the date, time, and place for your rescheduled exam(s). In almost all circumstances, exams will be rescheduled for a date very soon after the scheduled date. Exams are not rescheduled for earlier dates.
Do NOT contact instructors regarding rescheduling final exams - Dean Devine handles all exam rescheduling. Instructors cannot approve final exam reschedules.
Emergencies during the exam period
- If a health, family, personal, or other type of emergency arises that prevents you from taking or completing an exam, you should follow these emergency procedures:
- If your exam is in 24 or more hours: email Dean Devine at lauren.devine@wisc.edu.
- If your exam is within the next 24 hours: call or text Dean Devine (identifying yourself!) at 608-405-2033. If she is not immediately available, she will respond as quickly as she can. However, if your emergency is time-sensitive and Dean Devine does not respond, call Dean Kelly at 608-262-4041.
- If you are in the middle of an exam: call or text Dean Devine at 608-405-2033, or visit Dean Devine's office in Room 5103. If she’s unavailable, call Dean Kelly at 608-262-4041, or visit Dean Kelly's office in Room 5105.
- DO:
- Follow the above procedures as soon as an emergency arises. It's imperative that you follow the proper emergency procedures, as the Law School will NOT provide any retroactive accommodation for an emergency.
- Provide documentation of the emergency. We apologize for this requirement, but it is, unfortunately, necessary.
- Contact your instructor about the exam.
- Start an exam if you are too ill to complete it.
- Try to solve the problem by writing a note on your exam.
- Delay addressing the emergency until you finish your exam or receive your grade.
Inclement Weather
Exams will proceed as scheduled in the event of inclement weather, unless the Chancellor emails that campus is closed. Take-home exams will proceed even if campus closes, as they are remote; only proctored exams will be rescheduled if campus closes. Campus closures are rare, so please give yourself plenty of time to travel to the Law School for your proctored exams, as you will NOT receive additional time if you arrive to an exam late.
Technical issues during the exam period
Review the Procedures for Technical Issues on the Exam4 Software Instructions page.
Exam Accommodations
If you plan to request exam accommodations, make that request via McBurney Connect as soon as possible. The Law School must receive your Faculty Notification Letters by the deadline posted on the Exam Info page under "Exam Updates" to provide accommodations for final exams, so you should initiate the process with McBurney ASAP, as it can take several weeks to complete the accommodations process.
We will notify students when information about your final exam accommodations is available, which will be 1-2 weeks before final exams begin. If you would like to discuss the accommodations process, please make an appointment with Dean Devine.
Law School Rules
Chapter 6 of the Law School Rules governs exams. Review Chapter 7 of the Student Handbook for more information.
A note re: Academic Misconduct
You may only access materials authorized by your instructors during your exams pursuant to Law School Rule 6.06.
Exams are graded blindly. You should NEVER include any personally-identifying information (e.g., your name) on your exams, other than your exam number pursuant to Law School Rule 6.10.
You may NOT collaborate with anyone on your exams pursuant to Law School Rule 6.11.
You may NOT claim credit for the work or efforts of others without authorization or citation, use unauthorized materials, or otherwise commit acts constituting academic misconduct as defined in the University of Wisconsin Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures, UWS 14.
Students may take exams at a different time or date, so you may NOT discuss the content of your exams with other students unless you have firsthand knowledge that the other student has already taken the exam(s) and you know your discussion cannot be overheard by, or transmitted to, students who may not have taken the exam(s).
Students should be aware that academic misconduct is possible grounds for denial of admission to the bar due to the questionable moral character reflected by the conduct. More information about misconduct is in Chapter 8 of the Student Handbook.
Decorum in the Law building during the exam period
Out of courtesy to your fellow students, please refrain from talking or lingering in the hallways during the exam period, as exams are ongoing throughout the day. Even discussions in the Atrium can carry into exam rooms, so please do your best to socialize outside of the Law building during the exam period to avoid disturbing exam-takers.
Final Grades
For information about final grades, including information about the pass/fail option, view the Law School Grades Info page.
Exam review
After your grade has been posted for a course, you may reach out to the course instructor directly (or follow any alternative instructions you received from your instructor) to review your exam answers and receive feedback. You may NOT contact your instructor about the exam during or after the exam until your final grade is posted.