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Legislative Attorney Employer: State of Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau Job Description: Duties of a Legislative Attorney include drafting legislation, providing legal advice and counsel to legislators and others, and interpreting and applying appropriate statutes, case law, and administrative rules. Responsibilities: The successful applicant is expected to possess effective written and oral communication skills; analytical, organizational and interpersonal skills; the ability to identify, analyze, research and resolve legal and policy issues; and the ability to work independently. A Legislative Attorney must be willing to work overtime during peak periods. Salary Information: The starting salary is based on qualifications and experience; the minimum is $43,245 annually. This position is in the unclassified state service and receives the same fringe benefits available to other state employees. Applicants must be licensed to practice law in Wisconsin or be eligible to obtain such a license on the date of appointment. Other Information: The Legislative Reference Bureau is strictly nonpartisan. Partisan political activity by the staff is not allowed. Appointments are made on a nonpartisan basis. Members of a minority group or individuals with a disability are encouraged to apply. Location: Madison, WI Application Deadline: April 28, 2006 Application process: Contact Lynn Emery, Human Resources Specialist Address: Legislative Reference Bureau One East Main, Suite 200 P.O.Box 2037 Madison, WI 53701-2037 Phone: (608) 261-4452 Job found on: Symplicity, job id# 666.

Submitted by Nilesh Patel, Career Advisor on April 24, 2006

This article appears in the categories: Career Services & Student Job Postings
