Kathryn Hendley
Kathryn Hendley

Lawyers and Democratic Decline (LADD), a collaborative research project directed by University of Wisconsin Law School’s Kathryn Hendley, is co-sponsoring a symposium, “Lawyers as Agents for Change in Countries Facing Distress.”

The symposium, hosted by the Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, will take place Jan. 23-24, 2025, at Indiana University-Bloomington.

Organizers are:

LADD brings together scholars studying the efforts of lawyers to resist authoritarianism in countries with backsliding democracies, including the United States, China, Russia, Brazil and Poland.

Those presenting their research alongside Hendley include:

Submitted by Law School News on January 9, 2025

This article appears in the categories: Features

Related employee profiles: Kathryn Hendley
