AEP Staff & Contact

Andrew Turner

Assistant Dean 

Ben Heidke

Program Coordinator

Contact Information


Frequently Asked Questions

Learning & Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI)

What is LASSI?

LASSI is an online assessment tool which assesses skill-sets proven to help students maximize academic performance and be strategic learners. Follow the instructions on how to take it.

Am I required to take the LASSI?

Yes, all incoming 1Ls are required to take the LASSI.

What happens after I take the LASSI?

Your results will be emailed to you after completing the assessment. The AEP also gets a copy.

If I have questions about my LASSI results, who can I discuss them with?

You may discuss your results with the AEP Assistant Dean by scheduling an appointment.

Skills Workshops

What are AEP skills workshops?

AEP skills workshops are designed to equip students, sooner rather than later, with academic, learning, and study skills needed to master the law school curriculum. Workshops focus on topics such as outlining, issue spotting, legal analysis for exam writing, and exam prep.

Current semester workshop schedules are posted on our website.

Do I need to register for each skills workshop during the semester?

No, registration is not required.

Reminders are sent out by email a week ahead. An email reminder is also sent within 24 hours of the scheduled workshop.

Am I required to attend these skills workshops?

No, participation is voluntary but we strongly recommend you attend all workshops because 1Ls get study and exam tips that are not readily available elsewhere.

AEP Study Groups

What are study groups?

AEP study groups are structured weekly discussion led by a 2L (or a 3L) who had taken the class with the same professor previously. They are designed to provide opportunities for you to further clarify topics or to discuss practice questions provided by the professor. 

What class will study groups be offered for?

There will be weekly study groups for Propety.

When will my discussions be?

Weekly dicsussions will be on Fridays from 12:00pm - 1:00pm. Discussions will begin on Friday, January 24th and go until Friday, April 18th. 

When will I learn more information about my study group?

You will learn more information about your study group discussions after classes have started.

AEP Fellows

Schedule an appointment with an AEP Fellow.

What are AEP Fellows?

AEP fellows are upper-level students who have performed well in a course and work with students, both JD and LLM students in that respective course, on a 1-on-1 basis. AEP fellows will assist students with their understanding of the course, study skills, and share AEP resources as needed.  AEP fellows assist students in understanding general topics, along with class-specific recommendations.

Can I Make a Same Day Appointment?

No. Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance.

How Can I Make An Appointment?

Schedule an appointment with an AEP Fellow.

Are AEP Fellows Teaching Assistants?

No. AEP Fellows are not Teaching Assistants.

One-on-One Appointments

Schedule an appointment with the AEP Assistant Dean »

What can I discuss with the AEP Assistant Dean?

Some topics that you may want to discuss are: LASSI results, individualized study strategies, outlining, exam prep, exam-writing skills, time-management tips, grade follow-up, stress management and any other related topics.

Can I make a same day appointment?

No. Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance unless it is highly time sensitive that needs immediate attention.

AEP Library Resources

View the list of AEP library resources »

How do I checkout library resources?

Stop by the AEP office anytime Monday - Friday between 8:00am - 4:00pm to checkout library resources. Kindly bring your Net ID when checking out books. If you are unable to visit the AEP office during open hours, you can email the AEP the list of books you would like to check out. The AEP will prepare a packet with available books and notify you when it is ready to pick up.

How long can I keep them?

AEP library resources are available to be checked out for 3-weeks, unless another student is requesting the library resource. During exam period, library resources are available for 2-day check-out (but renewable).

What if I forget to renew or return my library resources?

It is a privilege for UW law students to be able to borrow AEP study aids and other library resources. Continued abuse of AEP library and rental policy may lead to suspension or termination from borrowing AEP library resources. View the AEP library resources expectation of student users for more information.

Exam Period at the AEP

What is the "Exam Period" at AEP?

The last 5-6 weeks of each semester the AEP calls Exam Period. It means:

  • Practice questions and model answers are available.
  • UW law past exam and student answers. 
  • One-on-one exam prep appointments with AEP Assistant Dean is encouraged to establish individual study and exam prep strategies.

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