Learn by Doing with the Help of Wisconsin Lawyers

The Lawyering Skills Course is a unique opportunity for students to learn "real world" legal skills from practicing lawyers in a simulated legal environment. 

Over the course of a semester, students get hands-on experience practicing a wide range of lawyering skills. Students also learn how lawyers manage their practices, address difficult ethical and professional problems, and balance their professional and personal lives.


During the Spring semester, 2L and 3L students learn the fundamentals of law practice from 40+ lawyers.

The Lawyering Skills Course:

  • Satifies ABA experiential learning requirements
  • Is an 6-credit, pass-fail course 
  • Has no final exam 
  • Covers 9 substantive areas of legal practice

Learn more about the course »

sifting and winnowing plaque

Lawyering Skills Faculty

Visiting faculty spend 3 or 4 days each week teaching students real world lawyering skills. The visiting faculty: 

  • Teach in teams of 4 lawyers each week
  • Use specially designed course text and materials
  • Earn CLE and EPR credits
  • Meet and work with future Wisconsin lawyers
Alumni park sign that says 'make your mark on the world'

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