About the Board

The Board of Visitors is a group of highly engaged alumni from the public and private sectors. Members function as advisors to the Dean to support the Law School’s mission, as ambassadors to connect the Law School to its alumni.

The Board assumes an active and visible role in the Law School by participating in annual meetings. Through these meetings, the Board seeks to identify areas in which it can be helpful to the Law School, its students, faculty and staff. Members provide an external perspective that advances the improvement of the Law School’s facilities, curriculum, placement, admissions and outreach. 

Current Members

headshot photo of Elizabeth Gracie

Elizabeth Gracie

BA 1980, JD 1983
Chair, UW Law Board of Visitors

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Paul Bateman

JD 2010



headshot photo of Michelle Behnke

Michelle Behnke

BA 1983, JD 1988



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Cassandra Best

JD 2012


headshot photo of The Honorable Ann W. Bradley

The Hon. Ann W. Bradley

JD 1976


UW Crest illustration

Daniel Conley

BA 1981, JD 1985


headshot photo of Ellen Drought

Ellen Drought

MA 1996, JD 1998


headshot photo of the Honorable Hannah Dugan

The Hon. Hannah Dugan

BA 1981, JD 1987

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Sheldon Fink

Emeritus Member
BBA 1954, LLB 1954

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William Fisher

MA 1966, JD 1978

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Jason Gerlach

MA/JD 1996

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Haben Goitom

JD 2008

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Karen Handorf

JD 1975

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Steven Hernandez

JD 1981

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Nancy Holley

JD 1980

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Jay Holmes

JD 1967

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John W. Miller

JD 2006

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Andrew Ogilvie

JD 1973

headshot photo of SanDee Priser

SanDee Priser

JD 2002

headshot photo of John Sagan

John Sagan

JD 1983

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Todd Smith

JD 1996

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Leticia Smith-Evans Haynes

JD 2003, MS 2004, PhD 2010

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Christopher Smithka

JD 2009

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Joan Stafslien

JD 1992

UW crest illustration in red.

Tripp Widder

BBA 1968, JD 1970

headshot photo of Scott Williams

Scott Williams

BA 1985, JD 1988

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Sampson Yimer

JD 2011

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Michelle Yun

JD 2012

Purpose of the Board of Visitors

  • To serve as a core group of advisors and counselors for Law School leadership.
  • To serve as ambassadors for the Law School. As alumni and friends who are well informed about the Law School, Board members are advocates for the Law School in a variety of contexts.
  • To provide leadership in philanthropy and fundraising.
  • To help promote the Law School, by supporting student recruitment efforts and mobilizing the career network.

Benefits and Responsibilities of Membership


  • Listing and headshot on the University of Wisconsin Law School’s Board of Visitors website.
  • Invitations to attend four annual meetings of the board: two held on campus in Madison and two held virtually.
  • Regular communications from the dean of the Law School, including news and requests for feedback on how the School is working to meet its mission.
  • Priority access to in-person University of Wisconsin Law School events, including lectures, reunions, and the Dean’s Summit.
    Additional opportunities may be provided throughout the year.


  • Participate in scheduled meetings, devoting time, resources, counsel, and connections to help further the activities of the Law School and the University.
  • Assist Alumni Relations and External Affairs staff in strengthening connections between the Law School and its alumni.
  • Assist Development and Alumni Relations staff in:
    • Identifying and developing prospective donors.
    • Sharing a message of the importance of philanthropy both at events and with alumni and friends individually.
    • Hosting, coordinating, or attending intimate gatherings of alumni and/or friends to help engage them around specific Law School programs and initiatives.
  • Attend (whenever possible) local University of Wisconsin events.
  • Assist in recruiting future Board members.

Charitable Giving

  • Members support the Law School as one of top philanthropic priorities.
  • Members make annual, unrestricted gifts to the Law School.
    • Alumni members who graduated within the last ten years, the minimum suggested gift is $1000.
    • Alumni members who graduated more than 10 years ago, the minimum suggested gift is $2,500.
  • Members are encouraged to support additional campaigns or special University initiatives, or choose to include the University in their estate plans.


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