University of Wisconsin Law School Emeritus Professor Peter Carstensen has earned the 2024 Alfred E. Kahn Award for Antitrust Achievement from American Antitrust Institute for his significant contributions to antitrust enforcement.
The award will be presented at May 22 at the AAI’s 25th Annual Policy Conference, New Thinking on the Antitrust Treatment of Collective Action: Organized Labor, Countervailing Power, and Algorithmic Price Setting in Washington, D.C.

Peter Carstensen
“We are delighted to present this special award to Professor Carstensen,” said AAI President Randy Stutz. “Peter’s prescient and prolific scholarship, not to mention his incalculable influence on his students, have made him one of the most important antitrust thought leaders of his generation.”
Carstensen is Fred W. & Vi Miller Chair in Law Emeritus at UW Law and a senior fellow and advisory board member at AAI. He joined the UW faculty in 1973 and received emeritus status in 2014. From 1993 to 2002, he served as Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development.
From 1968 to 1973, he was an attorney at the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice in the Evaluation Section, where one of his primary areas of work was on questions of relating competition policy and law to regulated industries.
Professor Carstensen’s scholarship and teaching have focused on antitrust law and competition policy issues. He has published a number of articles in the field, including a number analyzing aspects of the relationship of antitrust law and regulation. He served as co-editor and primary author of four chapters of the ABA Antitrust Section’s monograph, Federal Statutory Exemptions from Antitrust Law and co-edited Competition Policy and Merger Analysis in Deregulated and Newly Competitive Industries, to which he contributed three chapters. He has also done extensive research on the competition issues in agricultural markets. He is the author of Competition Policy and the Control of Buyer Power: A Global Issue which received the Jerry S. Cohen Memorial Fund Writing Award for best antitrust book of 2017.
“We are thrilled that Professor Carstensen is being recognized for his outstanding research in antitrust law,” UW Law Dean Dan Tokaji said. “For over 45 years, he has been one of the country’s leading antitrust scholars and teachers. He has written or contributed to over 80 publications, delivered or presented over 50 academic lectures or discussions, and taught antitrust law to hundreds, if not thousands, of law students. It is a privilege to join the American Antitrust Institute in honoring his extraordinary contributions to the field.”
“Peter’s depth of knowledge and profound contributions in the field make him an ideal recipient of AAI’s Award for Antitrust Achievement,” said Pamela Gilbert, Chair of AAI’s Board of Directors.
The AAI Alfred E. Kahn Award for Antitrust Achievement, first presented in 2000, honors individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of antitrust. Professor Carstensen joins the following past honorees: Joel Klein, Robert Pitofsky, F.M. Scherer, Alfred E. Kahn, Lloyd Constantine, Thomas B. Leary, Senators Herb Kohl and Mike DeWine, Maxwell Blecher, John Shenefield, Eleanor M. Fox, Steven Salop, Mario Monti, Roger G. Noll, Kathleen Foote, John M. Connor, Donald I. Baker, Jonathan W. Cuneo, William J. Baer, Senator Amy Klobuchar, Stephen Calkins, Albert A. Foer, Robert Skitol, Senator Richard Blumenthal and Colorado Attorney General Philip Weiser.
Submitted by Law School News on April 30, 2024
This article appears in the categories: Faculty, Features
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