The Best Brief Competition is an annual event that recognizes outstanding legal writing by first-year students. The competition, which is in its nineteenth year, was created to encourage the best writers to reach for their highest potential.
Last spring, the Legal Research and Writing faculty selected the best appellate briefs from among those written by their students in the LRW II course. The 17 nominees were Arwen Bleksley, Iman Davenport, Vincent Dumas, West Foster, Ryan Franke, Jennifer Gisi, Tessa Henson, Eva Karademas, Amanda Malapanes Shadden, Niall Martin, Mike Neary, Jacob Neeley, Autumn Ruleau, Erik Schlueter, Alisa Simons, Cameron Ubel, and Leigha Vilen.
Over the summer, Wisconsin attorneys evaluated the nominees’ briefs and determined the finalists to be Eva Karademas, Mike Neary, Jacob Neeley, Cameron Ubel, and Leigha Vilen. A panel of Law School faculty are currently evaluating the finalists' briefs to decide the winner, who will be announced by the middle of October 2021.
Submitted by Law School News on October 4, 2021