Professor Yaron Nili has co-authored two articles selected as the Top 10 Corporate and Securities Articles of 2022.
"The Corporate Governance Gap," co-authored with Kobi Kastiel of Tel Aviv University–Buchmann Faculty of Law, provides comprehensive, hand collected and coded, empirical account of the differences in governance practices between large and small public companies. While many large, high-profile companies tend to serve as role models of desirable governance practices, in smaller, less-scrutinized corporations, the adoption of governance arrangements is less systematic and often significantly departs from the norms set by larger companies. The article then develops a theoretical account of this gap and its persistence and suggests reforms to improve corporate governance at small firms.

"Cleaning Corporate Governance" co-authored with Jens Frankenreiter, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law; Cathy Hwang, University of Virginia School of Law; and Eric Talley, Columbia Law School, unveils a novel collection of three decades’ worth of corporate charters for thousands of public companies. The article uses the data to show that the faith in the accuracy and integrity of widely used corporate governance data is misplaced and exposes twin cautionary tales about the critical role of lawyers in empirical research, and the dubious practice of throttling public access to public records. In doing so, Professor Nili and his co-authors also provide a fully free and accessible dataset that has corrected the mistakes found in the commercial dataset in hope of providing a long-overdue resource for scholars in the field.
Nili has been recognized twice before on this list, for articles in 2020 and 2021; it reflects the choices of law professors teaching in this area from almost 400 articles. The results will be published in the upcoming issue of the Corporate Practice Commentator.
"It's an honor to have two of my articles ranked among the top 10 articles by the Corporate Practice Commentator this past year," Nili said. “Both projects involved a great deal of work, spanning several years, and I am grateful for the attention and recognition the articles have garnered."
Submitted by Law School News on June 1, 2023
This article appears in the categories: Faculty, Features
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