University of Wisconsin Law School Clinical Professor Emerita Mary Prosser has been named the recipient of the Marygold Melli Achievement Award conferred by the Legal Association for Women (LAW) to recognize her significant contributions to women in the law.
This is the 27th year that the Melli Award, named in honor of UW Law School Professor Emerita Marygold Shire Melli, has been conferred.
A reception to honor Prosser was held on Sept. 14, 2022, at the Boardman Clark Atrium at 1 South Pinckney Street in Madison. Several former students and colleagues of Prosser spoke of her contributions to our justice system and the significant influence Prosser had on their work and careers, focusing on her excellence as a lawyer, teacher, colleague and mentor. She joins several other University of Wisconsin Law School faculty as recipients of the award.
The Marygold Melli Achievement Award was established in 1994 by the Legal Association for Women, Madison, Wisconsin. Each year it recognizes and celebrates an outstanding individual in Wisconsin who has made substantial contributions to the interests of women in the law, has achieved professional excellence and has contributed significantly to the eradication of gender bias in the legal system. The award honors Marygold Shire Melli, Professor Emerita at the University of Wisconsin Law School, a distinguished teacher, prolific scholar, parent of four children and contributor to her profession and her community.
Submitted by Law School News on September 29, 2022
This article appears in the categories: Faculty
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