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Walk in the shoes of a newly released prisoner Thursday, February 23, 2006 - 5:30 pm (Doors will open at 5 pm) Cost: $10.00 Temple Beth El's Social Action Committee will be hosting the Madison Urban Ministry (MUM) "Returning Prisoner Simulation Program" at Temple Beth El, 2702 Arbor Drive in Madison, on Thursday, February 23, 2006, beginning at 5:30 pm. During the evening participants will learn a great deal about the difficulties returning prisoners face in re-entering our communities -- and the impact on all of us. The program will begin with the by viewing of the documentary "Today's Prisoners, Tomorrow's Neighbors" and then engage in a powerful simulation activity by taking on the identity of a parolee in his or her first month back in the community-- trying to find housing, jobs and other tasks. This is an eye-opening opportunity to walk in the shoes of a former prisoner. The evening will end with a debriefing so participants can exchange ideas on their own potential roles in assisting returning prisoners' re-entry. The $10 cost covers materials and a light supper. For more information, contact Heidi Lauhon at 238-3123 or To register, send your check for $10, made out to Temple Beth El, with your name and identifying the MUM Prisoner Re-entry Simulation to: Attn: Heidi, Temple Beth El, 2702 Arbor Drive, Madison, WI 53711.

Submitted by UW Law School Newsletter Admin on February 7, 2006

This article appears in the categories: Must-Know Info
