The Academic Enhancement Program (AEP) is a collaborative effort involving law school administration, faculty and students with the goal of assisting all students in developing the critical experiences and skills necessary for academic success in law school and beyond. 

The AEP program is designed to promote academic excellence through enhancement and supportive services for students at all levels of academic performance. For first year students, the learning curve for mastering the law school curriculum can be steeper than expected because the study of law is unique and challenging.

"Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choices, not chance determine your destiny." - Aristotle

Read more about the AEP »

Year Specific Information Available

Looking for year-secific (1L, 2L, 3L, LLM) information? Skip to the year-specific information »

Post Fall Semester Information

Please review the following resources about preparing for the spring semester.

Complete: Academic Self-Assessment Form 

Attend: Spring Semester Study Strategy & Resilience

  • Tuesday, January 21st at 12:00pm OR
  • Wednesday, January 22nd at 12:00pm
Student raising their hand in class.

AEP Property Study Groups / Workshops

For the spring semester, there will be a study group for Property starting Friday, January 24th. More information will be emailed to you.

Spring 2025 Skills Workshop Dates

  • Closing Arguments for Mock Trial
    • Tues. 2/25 at 12:05pm 
  • Write-on for Law Journals
    • Mon. 4/7 OR Tues. 4/8 (Tentative)
Students reading in class.

Using Academic Resources

The AEP has a collection of 1,000+ books that serve as secondary sources with focus on subject areas of select law classes. 

Row of students with their laptops in class.

AEP Fellows (1Ls only)

AEP fellows meet with both 1L and LLM students on a 1-on-1 basis to discuss study strategies, academic skills, and share AEP resources as needed.

Make an appointment here.

Student sitting with documents on the table while listening.


Year/Program-Specific Information


The AEP has the following support services specifically designed to help make your first year at law school a success. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with AEP programs and services, then plan to take full advantage of them.

  1. LASSI
  2. Skills Workshops
  3. AEP Fellows Program
  4. Individual Consultations
  5. Enrichment Workshops
  6. AEP Study Group Program
  7. AEP Library Resources
  8. Exam Period at AEP
  9. Academic and Learning Skills
  10. Additional Resources

Not sure where to start? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions.


--Available only in the fall semester. The Learning And Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) is an online assessment tool which assesses skill-sets proven to help students maximize academic performance and be strategic learners. All incoming 1Ls are required to take the LASSI. More information about LASSI will be provided during Orientation. Please complete this by Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024.

Your results will be emailed to you shortly after completing the assessment. The AEP also gets a copy. If you have questions about your LASSI results, you may discuss the results with the AEP assistant Dean by scheduling an appointment.

2. Skills Workshops

AEP skills workshops are designed to equip students, sooner rather than later, with academic, learning, and study skills needed to master the law school curriculum. Workshops focus on topics such as outlining, issue spotting, legal analysis for exam writing, and exam prep. 

View the AEP Spring 2025 Programming Schedule (PDF) -- Forthcoming.

3. AEP Fellows Program

AEP fellows will assist the AEP in carrying out its mission of providing academic skills necessary for LLM and first-year JD students' academic success in law school.  

AEP fellows meet with both 1L and LLM students on a 1-on-1 basis to discuss study strategies, academic skills, and share AEP resources as needed.

Please make an appointment to meet with an AEP Fellow.

4. Individual Consultations

You are able to meet one-on-one with the AEP Assistant Dean to brainstorm and strategize about how to academically succeed in law school.

The following are a few topics that students often address during one-on-one meetings:

  • LASSI Results (Fall Semester)
  • Individualized study strategies
  • Outlining: feedback on your drafts
  • Exam prep: planning ahead for finals
  • Exam-writing skills: practicing questions and getting feedback
  • Time-management tips
  • Grade follow-up: to highlight the good and brainstorm on improving performance
  • Stress Management: to achieve balance and avoid over-loading
  • Other related topics

Please make an appointment to meet with the AEP Assistant Dean.

5. Enrichment Workshops

Check back for more information.

6. AEP Study Group Program

The AEP study groups are designed to provide out-of-classroom opportunities for students to further clarify topics, and to discuss practice questions sometimes provided by the professor. Study groups are led by 2Ls (or 3Ls) who took the class with the same professor during their first year of law school. Weekly discussion sessions are on Fridays at 12:00pm during the semester. Participation is not required but strongly encouraged. For the fall 2024 semester, their will be a study group for Criminal Law and Procedure. Check your email for more information.

7. AEP Library Resources

There are over 1,000 books and numerous handouts available to assist law student's studying.

See a list of AEP resources and learn more about how you can use the resources.

8. Exam Period at AEP

The last 5-6 weeks of each semester the AEP calls Exam Period. It means:

  • Practice questions and model answers are available.
  • UW law past exam and student answers. 
  • One-on-one exam prep appointments with AEP Assistant Dean is encouraged to establish individual study and exam prep strategies.

9. Academic and Learning Skills

The AEP is committed to equipping law students with academic, learning, and study skills they need for mastery of course contents and to achieve sound academic success. To that end, the AEP subscribes to the notion that law students must be self-regulating and strategic learners. To achieve that goal, law students must be proactive and avoid procrastination.

Fill out the AEP Academic Self-Assessment form.

10. Additional Resources 

The AEP has listed helpful links on a variety of subjects including outlining, stress management, and exam taking strategies form vetted sources. As with all other resources, please use information at these links as secondary study and learning suggestions only. Faculty members for your classes are the primary sources on all instructions regarding course contents.

View the Additional Resources page (Net ID required).


As you know, the AEP provides support services and resources to assist you with your legal studies. For 2Ls, we highlight the following:

  1. Individual Consultations
  2. AEP Library Resources 
  3. Academic and Learning Skills
  4. Additional Resources

1. Individual Consultations

One-on-one appointments with the AEP Assistant Dean to brainstorm and strategize about any topic you may want to discuss to enhance your academic performance is available to you.

The following are a few topics that students often address during one-on-one meetings:

  • Individualized study strategies
  • Outlining: feedback on your drafts
  • Exam prep: planning ahead of finals
  • Exam-writing skills: practicing questions and getting feedback
  • Time-management tips
  • Grade follow-up: to highlight the good and brainstorm on improving performance
  • Stress Management: to achieve balance and avoid over-loading
  • Other related topics

Please make an appointment to meet with the AEP Assistant Dean.

2. AEP Library Resources

There are over a 1,000 books and numerous handouts available to assist law students learn the law more efficiently. In addition to first year classes, the AEP has resources for most required law classes (i.e. Evidence, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, etc.) as well as a few upper level classes (i.e. Federal Income Tax, Business Organizations, etc.). Note we do not have books for every law class.

View the list of AEP resources and lean more about how you can use the resources. Email us at with the study aids you are requesting.

3. Academic and Learning Skills

The AEP is committed to equipping law students with academic, learning, and study skills they need for mastery of course contents and to achieve sound academic success. To that end, the AEP subscribes to the notion that law students must be self-regulating and strategic learners. To achieve that goal, law students must be proactive and avoid procrastination.

Fill out the AEP Academic Self-Assessment form.

4. Additional Resources

The AEP has listed helpful links on a variety of subjects including outlining, stress management, and exam taking strategies from vetted sources. As with all other resources, please use information at these links as secondary study and learning suggestions only. Faculty members for your classes are the primary source on all instructions regarding course contents.

View the Additional Resources page (Net ID required).


Below are the list of academic support and related services that the AEP makes available to all 3Ls:

  1. Individual Consultations
  2. AEP Library Resources  
  3. Academic and Learning Skills
  4. Additional Resources

1. Individual Consultations

One-on-one with the AEP Assistant Dean to brainstorm and strategize about any topic you want to discuss to enhance your academic performance is available to you. 

The following are a few topics that students often address during one-on-one meetings:

  • Individualized study strategies
  • Outlining: feedback on your drafts
  • Exam prep: planning ahead for finals
  • Exam-writing skills: practicing questions and getting feedback
  • Time-management tips
  • Grade follow-up: to highlight the good and brainstorm on improving performance
  • Stress Management: to achieve balance and avoid over-loading
  • Other related topics

Please make an appointment to meet with the AEP assistant Dean.

2. AEP Library Resources

There are over 1,000 books and numerous handouts available to assist law students learn the law more efficiently. In addition to first year classes, the AEP has resources for most required law classes (i.e. Evidence, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, etc.) as well as a few upper level classes (i.e. Federal Income Tax, Business Organizations, etc.). Note we do not have books for every law class.

See a list of AEP resources and learn more about how you can use the resources. Email us at with the study aids you are requesting.

4. Academic and Learning Skills

The AEP is committed to equipping law students with academic, learning, and study skills they need for mastery of course contents and to achieve sound academic success. To that end, the AEP subscribes to the notion that law students muse be self-regulation and strategic learners. To achieve that goal, law students must be proactive and avoid procrastination.  

Fill out the AEP Academic Self-Assessment form.

5. Additional Resources

The AEP has listed helpful links on a variety of subjects including outlining, stress management, and exam taking strategies from vetted sources. As with all other resources, please use information at these links as secondary study and learning suggestions only. Faculty members for your classes are the primary sources on all instructions regarding course contents. 

View the Additional Resources page (Net ID required). 


The AEP welcomes you to the University of Wisconsin Law School. The AEP will schedule large-group skills workshops designed for your academic needs every month during the semester.

The Academic Enhancement Program provides academic support services and resources to assist you with most (not all) of your classes you take as electives. Below are the list of academic support and related services that the AEP makes available to LLM students:

  1. Skills Workshops
  2. Individual Consultations
  3. AEP Library Resources 

1. Skills Workshops

Spring 2025 skills workshop schedule will be posted here.

2. Individual Consultations

One-on-one appointments with the AEP Assistant Dean to brainstorm and strategize about any topic you may want to discuss to enhance your academic performance is available to you.

The following are a few topics that students often address during one-on-one meetings:

  • Individualized study strategies
  • Outlining: feedback on your drafts
  • Exam prep: planning ahead of finals
  • Exam-writing skills: practicing questions and getting feedback
  • Time-management tips
  • Grade follow-up: to highlight the good and brainstorm on improving performance
  • Stress Management: to achieve balance and avoid over-loading
  • Other related topics

Please make an appointment to meet with the AEP Assistant Dean.

Make an appointment with an International AEP Fellow. 

3. AEP Library Resources

Books and Study Aids: There are over 1,000 books and numerous handouts available to assist law students learn the law more efficiently. Note we do not have books for every law class. However, we do have them for most required law classes. View the list of AEP resources and lean more about how you can use the resources. Email us at with the study aids you are requesting.

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