I. Required courses
- Real Estate Transactions I (Fall course)
- Real Estate Transactions II (Spring course)
- Tax I (Fall or Spring course)
- Business Organizations I (Fall or Spring course)
II. Elective Course
Two other elective courses required from the following:
- Environmental Law
- Bankruptcy
- Secured Transactions
- Land Use
- Securities Regulation
- Water Law and Policy
- Construction Law
- Real Estate Development Law (Law 928)
- Residential Property Development (Law 928) (Meets with Real Estate 611; RE 410 and RE 415 are pre-requisites)
- Commercial Property Development (Law 928) (Meets with Real Estate 750; RE 710 and RE 715 are pre-requisites)
- The Real Estate Process (RE 701) (Business School course - not a Law School course)
To receive a certificate recognizing that you have satisfied the requirements for the Real Estate Concentration, you must take all of the required courses and at least two of the qualifying elective courses and must receive a grade of at least a C in all of the courses, whether required or elective.
Additional Requirements
Students earning a 3.5 cumulative average in courses fulfilling Real Estate Law Concentration requirements will receive Honors in the Concentration. If you believe you qualify for honors in the concentration, you need to submit along with your transcript a calculation of your GPA in the courses fulfilling the concentration, showing that your cumulative GPA in those courses is 3.5 or higher.
For additional information on the Real Estate Law Concentration contact Academic Advisor Angela Nash at angela.nash@wisc.edu.