About Appellate Practice

Appellate practice is a specialized area of litigation. Although many lawyers both try and appeal cases, some lawyers do only appellate work. Appellate lawyers spend most of their time at their desks, reviewing the record, researching the law, and writing briefs.

Lawyers who specialize in appellate practice generally work in large or mid-size law firms or in state or federal government organizations. In government, appellate lawyers work for state or federal appellate defenders, state justice departments, and state and federal commissions. Appellate lawyers also work as staff attorneys for appellate judges in both the federal and state courts. 

Appellate practice positions can be highly competitive — positions are few and employers are very selective. Most employers look for lawyers who have clerked for an appellate judge for at least one year after graduation. Appellate practitioners need to have outstanding legal research and persuasive writing skills, strong analytical skills, and good organizational abilities. They must also have the confidence and the oral advocacy skills to be able to present their positions to the appellate court in oral argument.


Note: Whether a particular course is scheduled depends on faculty availability and student demand. View the Course Descriptions for more information about each course and when it's offered.

Core/Foundation Courses

These are the entry level courses that — at a minimum — employers expect a student interested in this specialty to have. In addition, a student interested in criminal law should take at least one related clinical program (see below).

Recommended Courses

Students interested in this practice area should consider including one or more of the following courses as electives.

Enrichment  Courses

These courses deepen or broaden the skills and substantive information that a lawyer in this field needs and also provide advanced courses for students interested in a specialty within this area of practice.

Clinical Programs, Internships & Externships

Criminal Appeals Project

The Criminal Appeals Project gives students an opportunity to be directly involved in the appellate process. Under the direct supervision of clinical faculty, students work in pairs on one or two criminal appeals in state or federal court. The clinical, which is available to second- and third-year law students, requires a two-semester commitment so that students can see a case through from start to finish.

Learn more about the Criminal Appeals Project »


 In externships, students spend their time working for course credit, not payment, at a field-placement site under the supervision of a practicing attorney or judge. This unique experience allows students to receive credit for learning on the job, typically in government or public service sectors, but also in other settings. Externships also include an instructional component, and students receive mentoring and supervision from an in-house Law School faculty member as well.

Learn more about Externships

Wisconsin Innocence Project

In the Wisconsin Innocence Project, UW law students under the direct supervision of clinical faculty investigate and litigate claims of innocence in cases involving inmates in state and federal prisons in Wisconsin. The project is open to students who have finished their first year of course work.

Learn more about the Wisconsin Innocence Project »

Judicial Internship Program

The Judicial Internship Program places students with trial and appellate judges throughout Wisconsin, including placements with the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the federal district courts for the Eastern and Western Districts of Wisconsin. Student work varies but usually emphasizes research and writing.

Learn more about the Judicial Internship Program »

Student Organizations & Related Activities

Students involved in student activities and organizations are often strong job candidates. Employers look for students who show leadership, public service, and community involvement. 

For a full list of student organizations at UW Law, view the Student Organizations, Journals, & Activities.


Here are some of the full-time faculty and instructors who teach or have an interest in this subject area:

In addition to our full-time faculty, the Law School's adjunct faculty members — prominent practicing lawyers and judges — bring their specialized knowledge and experience to the classroom. Filter by "Adjunct" in the Law School Directory for a full list.

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