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HeinOnline's Multinational Sources Compared is an online index to books, articles, and other secondary resources that compare the law in one or more countries. You can browse or search for titles by a number of different fields, the most useful being Subject and Jurisdiction.

Suppose you are looking for materials that compare labor laws in Germany and the United Kingdom. A simple way to do this is to run a search via the drop down menu, with "Labor" as a subject and Germany and United Kingdom as the relevant jurisdictions:

Your list of results will contain titles that, as expected, have the terms you typed listed under subject and jurisdiction. Clicking on any of the results will lead you to more information, including a brief description of the particular book or article.

You can then check the UW Library Catalog to see if any UW Campus Library has the book or the journal containing the article you are looking for.

For more help using Multinational Sources Compared, contact Sunil Rao, Foreign and International Law Librarian.

Submitted by Sunil Rao, on April 17, 2019

This article appears in the categories: Law Library
