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Last year on May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) EU 2016/679, went into effect.  Providing resources on the protection of consumer privacy became a priority for the legal profession.  This article highlights a few resources on consumer data privacy and the GDPR that are available at the Law Library. 

What is the GDPR?

The European Union's consumer data privacy regulation protects EU citizens from data breaches and puts people in charge of their own data.  For example, citizens of the EU now have a "right to be forgotten."  The regulation is a significant change to privacy laws for organization that routinely collects data online.  Those organizations can include a local business, a blogger who sell merchandise online, a religious organization or charity who collects membership data, a small private school or large public university, as well as any international corporation or industry that owns physical buildings in the EU. Simply residing outside of the European Union is no protection from penalties and there are stiff fines for violating the new rules.   If you do any business or collect any data that involves a member of the EU, you are expected to be in compliance with the GDPR.  

As an introduction to the GDPR and what compliance involves, I've listed below a few articles written by Wisconsin attorneys that describe in more detail what the GDPR is and why it is important to be in compliance. 

Wisconsin Resources

New European Privacy Law: Its Effect on Wisconsin Lawyers

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation: Five steps for moving toward compliance

Books in the Law Library

The EU GDPR General Data Protection Regulation: Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions by David Zetoony

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) : an Implementation and Compliance Guide

Right to be Forgotten : a Legal Research Guide by Carol A. Fichtelman

EU Portal

To access a copy of the regulation and information on EU 2016/679 you can view it at the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) portal,


Bloomberg Law - At the top of the screen select Browse, then select Practice Centers, and Privacy & Data Security.  Bloomberg Law's Privacy & Data site has a link to resources on the GDPR, which makes it a one stop shopping page for anyone doing researh on the GDPR.  

LexisAdvance - Select Practice Centers, then select Data Privacy & Cybersecurity to search for case law, articles, laws, regulations, forms and more.

WestlawNext - Select Westlaw Practice Areas, then select the legal topic Data Privacy to locate case law, articles, laws, regulations & forms.  To begin you can run a keyword search on GDPR in the menu box, then select overview on the left-hand side of the screen to pull up relevant articles.


If by chance you have a blog on Wordpress, Wordpress has a links to plugins for the GDPR.


Finally, provides several free webinars on the GDPR if you are interested in watching a presentation on this topic.   Local bar associations and the ABA also offer webinars to their membership.  

Submitted by Jenny Zook, Reference Librarian on April 4, 2019

This article appears in the categories: Law Library
