Recently retired Professor Ralph Cagle has gifted the library with his personal collection of materials chronicling the life and times of Abraham Lincoln.
The collection includes a great many books, not only for adults, but a fair number of children's books, and DVDs as well.
Of his interest in Abraham Lincoln and his gift to the library, Professor Cagle has this to say:
"I am very happy that the law school has accepted my Lincoln collection as a special collection of our library. The library staff has done a terrific job of gathering, organizing and cataloging this collection."
"Most Lincoln biographies give scant attention to his law practice. This may give the impression that his law practice was not an important influence on his intellectual or professional development, but that is incorrect. The real reason they don't cover his practice very well is because publishers discourage authors from doing so it believing this is not the Lincoln that people want to read about."
"Nothing more fully explains Lincoln's judgment, political philosophy, rhetorical skill and leadership than what he learned and did as a day to day lawyer. Fortunately, Lincoln's law practice is the most completely documented law practice in American history. This collection captures a good deal of that documentation including the best of the scholarship interpreting how that practice influenced his important role in American history."
Professor Cagle goes on further to say that he, along with Attorney John Skilton, have taught one of the few courses in American legal education dealing with Lincoln As Lawyer.
"It's a course in which students examine Lincoln's main cases and how he handled the challenges of practice and can draw from that some lessons on how to practice law with power and integrity today. I'd like to teach it again sometime. I certainly know where to go for the research."
Many thanks to Professor Cagle for his generous gift.
The Lincoln Collection is located in the East Wing of the library (Law Library Lincoln Collection, Quarles & Brady Reading Room, 5 East) where the iconic mural by John Steuart Curry “Freeing of the Slaves” resides which also bears witness to Lincoln’s legacy.
Come check it out today! All the items circulate.
Listed below is but a sample of what you’ll find in the new Lincoln Collection for your education and enjoyment.
- 101 things you didn’t know about Lincoln : loves and losses, political power plays, White House hauntings / by Brian Thornton. Avon, MA : Adams Media, [2005], c2006. 240 p. Call number: E457.909 T47 2005
- A. Lincoln, Esquire : a shrewd, sophisticated lawyer in his time / Allen D. Spiegel. Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, 2002. 372 p. Call number: KF368 L52 S68 2002
- Abe Lincoln in Illinois; a play in twelve scenes. With a foreword by Carl Sandburg / Robert E. Sherwood. New York, Scribner [1965]. 250 p. Call number: PS3537 H825 A63 1962
- The Abraham Lincoln encyclopedia / Mark E. Neely, Jr. New York, N.Y. : Da Capo Press, 1984, c1982. 356 p. Call number: E457 N48 1984
- Abraham Lincoln, the boy, the man / by Lloyd Ostendorf ; illustrated by the author. Springfield, Ill. : P.H. Wagner, [1988?], c1962. 157 p. Notes: Includes 133 original Lincoln drawings, 101 rare Lincoln related photos. Call number: E457.905 O78 1988
- Abraham Lincoln, the man behind the myths / by Stephen B. Oates. New York : Harper & Row, c1984. 224 p.Call number: E457 O16 1984
- Abraham Lincoln : the prairie years and the war years / Carl Sandburg. New York : Galahad Books, 1993, c1954. 762 p. Call number: E457 S215 1993
- Abraham Lincoln, the writer : a treasury of his greatest speeches and letters / compiled and edited by Harold Holzer. Honesdale, Pa. : Boyds Mills Press, 2000. 106 p. Call number: E457.92 2000
- The assassination of Lincoln : history and myth / Lloyd Lewis ; introduction by Mark E. Neely, Jr. New York : MJF Books, [2000?], 1929. 367 p. Call number: E457.5 L67 2000
- Building the myth : selected speeches memorializing Abraham Lincoln / edited by Waldo W. Braden. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1990. 259 p. Call number: E457.7 R42 1990
- The collected works of Abraham Lincoln / the Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, Illinois ; Roy P. Basler, editor ; Marion Dolores Pratt and Lloyd A. Dunlap, assistant editors. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, 1953-1955. 8 volumes + index. Call number: E457.91 1953
- Complete works of Abraham Lincoln / edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay ; with a foreword by Herbert Hoover and appreciations by other eminent persons. [Cumberland Gap, Tenn.] : Published by Lincoln Memorial University, [1929?], c1894. 12 volumes. Call number: E457.91 1929
- Don’t know much about Abraham Lincoln / Kenneth C. Davis ; illustrated by Rob Shepperson. New York : HarperCollins, c2004. 114 p. Call number: E457.905 D39 2004
- Freedom / William Safire. New York : Avon Books, 1988, c1987. 1437 p. Call number: PS3569 A283 F7 1988
- The Gettysburg address and other speeches / Abraham Lincoln. New York : Penguin Books, 1995. 86 p. Call number: E457.92 1995
- The historian’s Lincoln : pseudohistory, psychohistory, and history / Gabor S. Boritt, editor, Norman O. Forness, associate editor. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1988. 423 p. Call number: E457 H65 1988
- The inner life of Abraham Lincoln : six months at the White House / F.B. Carpenter ; introduction by Mark E. Neely, Jr. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c1995. 359 p.Call number: E457.15 C37 1995
- The inner world of Abraham Lincoln / Michael Burlingame. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1994. 380 p. Call number: E457.2 B97 1994
- Killing Lincoln : the shocking assassination that changed America forever / Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard. New York : Henry Holt and Co., 2011. 324 p. Call number: E457.5 O74 2011
- The last days of Lincoln, a play in six scenes. New York, Hill and Wang, 1959. 152 p. Call number: PS3543 A557 L27 1959
- Lincoln : a novel / Gore Vidal. New York : Random House, c1984. 657 p. Call number: PS3543 I26 L5 1984
- Lincoln : a photobiography / Russell Freedman. New York, N.Y. : Clarion Books, c1987. 150 p. Call number: E457.905 F73 1987
- Lincoln and Chief Justice Taney : slavery, secession, and the president’s war powers / James F. Simon. New York : Simon & Schuster, c2006. 324 p. Call number: KF4545 S5 S55 2006
- Lincoln and his generals / T. Harry Williams. New York : Gramercy Books, 2000. 363 p. Call number: E457.2 W72 2000
- Lincoln and Whitman : parallel lives in Civil War Washington / Daniel Mark Epstein. New York : Ballantine Books, 2004. 379 p. Call number: E457.2 E67 2004
- Lincoln as a lawyer / John P. Frank ; new introduction by Cullom Davis. Chicago, Ill. : Americana House, 1991. 190 p. Call number: KF368 L52 F73 1991
- Lincoln as I knew him : gossip, tributes, and revelations from his best friends and worst enemies / edited by Harold Holzer. Chapel Hill, N.C. : Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1999. 269 p. Call number: E457.15 L53 1999
- The Lincoln-Douglas debates : the first complete, unexpurgated text / edited and with an introduction by Harold Holzer. New York : HarperCollins Publishers, c1993. 394 p. Call number: E457.4 L776 1993
- The Lincoln Encyclopedia : the spoken and written words of A. Lincoln arranged for ready reference / compiled and edited by Archer H. Shaw ; with an introd. by David C. Mearns. New York, N.Y. : Macmillan, 1950. 395 p. Call number: E457.92 1950
- Lincoln legends : myths, hoaxes, and confabulations associated with our greatest president / Edward Steers Jr. ; with an introduction by Harold Holzer. Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, c2007. 264 p. Call number: E457.2 S795 2007
- Lincoln talks : an oral biography / collected, collated, and edited by Emanuel Hertz. New York : Bramhall House : Distributed by Crown Publishers, 1986, c1939. 698 p. Call number: E457.15 L56 1986
- Lincoln’s devotional / Introd. by Carl Sandburg. Great Neck, N.Y.: Channel Press, c1957. 192 p. Call number: BV4810 R43 1957
- Lincoln’s sanctuary : Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers’ Home / Matthew Pinsker. New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. 256 p. Call number: E457.64 P56 2003
- Little masterpieces of autobiography / edited by George Iles. Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday Page, 1925. 4 v. Library has only volume 1 - Greatest Americans: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln. Call number: E302.5 L58 1925
- Mary Todd Lincoln : a biography / Jean H. Baker. New York : Norton, 1989, c1987. 429 p. Call number: E457.25 B35 1987
- Meeting Mr. Lincoln : firsthand recollections of Abraham Lincoln by people, great and small, who met the president / edited with an introduction and notes by Victoria Radford. Chicago : I.R. Dee, 1998. 125 p. Call number: E457.15 M44 1998
- The papers of Abraham Lincoln : legal documents and cases / Daniel W. Stowell, editor ; Susan Krause ... [et al], assistant editor. Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, 2008. 4 v. Call number: KF213 L53 S76 2008 v.1-4
- The poems of Abraham Lincoln. Bedford, Mass. : Applewood Books : Distributed by the Globe Pequot Press, 1991. 28 p. Call number: E457.92 1991
- A portrait of Abraham Lincoln in letters by his oldest son [Robert Todd Lincoln, 1843-1926]. Edited by Paul M. Angle, with the assistance of Richard G. Case. Chicago, Chicago Historical Society [1968]. 92 p. Call number: E457.2 L837 1968
- Rare personal accounts of Abraham Lincoln / by John E. Boos ; edited by William R. Feeheley & Bill Snack. Cadillac, Mich. : Rail Splitter Pub., 2005. 357 p. Call number: E457.15 B66 2006
- Reelecting Lincoln : the battle for the 1864 presidency / Jack C. Waugh. New York : Crown Publishers, c1997. 452 p. Call number: E458.4 W38 1997
- A reporter’s Lincoln / Walter B. Stevens ; edited by Michael Burlingame. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c1998. 305 p. Call number: E457.15 S84 1998
- The rise of American democracy : Jefferson to Lincoln / Sean Wilentz. New York : Norton, c2005. 1044 p. Call number: E302.1 W55 2005
- Robert Todd Lincoln : a man in his own right / by John S. Goff. Manchester, Vt. : Friends of Hildene, [1990?]. 286 p.
- Call number: E664 L63 G6 1990
- Selected speeches & writings. Illustrated by Lester Elliot. New York, Greystone Press [c1951]. 143 p. Call number: E457.92 1951
- Soul journey from Lincoln to Lindbergh : revealing the mysteries of karma and rebirth / Richard Salva. San Jose, Calif. : Crystar Press, c2006. 343 p. Call number: BL520 L56 S25 2006
- Speeches and writings / Abraham Lincoln. New York : Literary Classics of the United States : Distributed by the Viking Press, 1989. 2 v. Call number: E457.92 1989 v.1-2
- Team of rivals : the political genius of Abraham Lincoln / Doris Kearns Goodwin. New York : Simon & Schuster, c2005. 916 p. Call number: E457.45 G66 2005; Library also has in paperback.
- Call number: E457.45 G66 2006
- A touchstone for greatness; essays, addresses, and occasional pieces about Abraham Lincoln [by] Roy P. Basler. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press [1973]. 257 p. Call number: E457.8 B353 1973
- Twenty days : a narrative in text and pictures of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the twenty days and nights that followed--the Nation in mourning, the long trip home to Springfield / by Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt and Philip B. Kunhardt Jr. ; foreword by Bruce Catton. Secaucus, N.J. : Castle Books, 1977, c1965. 312 p. Call number: E457.5 K8 1977
- The voice of Lincoln, by R.M. Wanamaker. New York, C. Scribner’s Sons, 1918. 363 p. Call number: E457.2 W24 1918
- Also available online at:
- "We are Lincoln men" : Abraham Lincoln and his friends / David Herbert Donald. New York : Simon & Schuster, c2003. 269 p. Call number: E457.2 D66 2003
- What Lincoln believed : the values and convictions of America’s greatest president / Michael Lind. New York : Doubleday, 2005, c2004. 358 p. Call number: E457.2 L846 2005
- Why Lincoln matters : today more than ever / Mario M. Cuomo ; Harold Holzer, historical consultant. Orlando : Harcourt, c2004. 183 p. Call number: E457.2 C945 2004
- William Henry Seward : Lincoln’s right hand / John M. Taylor. Washington, D.C. : Brassey’s, 1996. 340 p. Call number: E415.9 S4 T38 1996
- The wit and wisdom of Abraham Lincoln / edited by Alex Ayres. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Meridian, c1992. 222 p. Call number: E457.99 A97 1992
- With malice toward none : a life of Abraham Lincoln / Stephen B. Oates. New York : HarperPerennial, 1994. 492 p. Call number: E457 O17 1994
- A. Lincoln [videorecording] : attorney at law / Callan Films ; writer, Craig Lindvahl. [S.l.] : Callan Films, c2006. 1 DVD. Call number: Empty DVD jewel case shelved at end of Lincoln Collection. DVD located at Circulation Desk.
- The conspirator [videorecording] / Roadside Attractions ; the American Film Company presents, in association with Wildwood Enterprises ; produced by Robert Redford ... [et al.] ; story by James Solomon, Gregory Bernstein ; written by James Solomon ; directed by Robert Redford. Santa Monica, Calif. : Lionsgate, 2011. 2 DVDs.
- Call number: Empty DVD jewel case shelved at end of Lincoln Collection. DVD located at Circulation Desk. Library also has in Blu-Ray.
- Lincoln [videorecording] / Chris/Rose Productions Productions, Inc. in association with the Finnegan/Pinchuk Company ; released through Century Group Ltd. La Crosse, Wis. : Platinum Disc Corp., 2004. 1 DVD. Call number: Empty DVD jewel case shelved at end of Lincoln Collection. DVD located at Circulation Desk.
- You are there. Abraham Lincoln’s great moments [videorecording] / CBS Broadcasting, compilation ; CBS News [2004]. 1 DVD. Call number: Empty DVD jewel case shelved at end of Lincoln Collection. DVD located at Circulation Desk.
Submitted by Eric Taylor, Evening Reference Librarian on November 7, 2011
This article appears in the categories: Law Library