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Did you know you can use a search engine and donate to charity without using any of your own money? Listed below are several search engines that donate part of their advertising revenue to charity whenever you use their search engine or click on an advertisement from their home page. Some charity search engines can even be set up to send you an email reminder to search daily, so those clicks can grow from a few pennies to a good-sized donation to your favorite charity. United States Good Sense, Inc. at is a search engine based out of Los Angeles, California and founded by a brother and sister, Ken and J.J. Ramberg. donates money to charities by giving away a portion of their advertising revenue to charities every time a user clicks on a sponsor's advertisement. This site is powered by Yahoo! so you should get the same high-quality results you expect from a Yahoo! search. How to Donate: On the homepage, you can select charities that you wish your donation to go to by selecting a charity from a pull-down menu box. is founded by Brian Carrozzi. In users are not required to click to donate. donates part of its advertising revenue to charities and a user only needs to browse the site and read the news articles to generate a donation. This web site runs news article from Associated Press and is a shopping portal for 700 merchants. Other Sites that Donate When You Click Each time you click on one of the web sites listed a donation is made to that specific charity. You will need to click on the donate buttons of their homepage to make your donation. This list was obtained from an article in, Charitable Clicking, by Aleksandra Todorva, December 16, 2005. The article is located at The Hunger Site at Mercy Corps at Second Harvest at The Breast Cancer Site at National Breast Cancer Organization at The Child Health Site at Prosethics Outreach Foundation at Hellen Keller International at United Kingdom at was founded by consultants in the U.K. and lists many U.K. charities that you can select for a donation whenever you use this site. at This site was founded by Johnny Platt after his experience volunteering at a hospital in India. This site is also powered by Yahoo! This search engine is not an international site and charities are local to the United Kingdom, but this may change as use of this site grows. Charity Cafe at Charity Cafe began in October, 2000. It was founded by Mills Services of Brighton, U.K. and is not a registered charity. Word of Caution: If you choose to click on an advertisement or the search engine requires you to provide personal information, such as filling out a registration form, be wary of providing personal information. The risk of identity theft increases every time you give personal information over the Internet.

Submitted by Jenny Zook, Reference Librarian on March 6, 2006

This article appears in the categories: Law Library
