Due to the campus rules put in place in response to the pandemic, the law library may be closed from time to time during this fall semester, but closed or open, our resources are always available to students, faculty, and the Wisconsin community. The library has always been more than a space to study.
The UW Law Library website provides services to help you locate books on campus, borrow material that is located at another library, or find full-text articles. You can also review our digital collections and faculty scholarship online.
Can't find a book title or confused about which database is best for your research?
Our reference librarians can help. Whether it is linking you to the title in the library catalog, suggesting a database for an ebook, or discussing what advanced features to use to refine a search, ask a librarian for assistance.
Here are a few ways to reach us:
By email: asklawref@law.wisc.edu
By phone: 608-262-3394
By Chat at AskaLibrarian
Quick Tip: Locating Resources from the Catalog
One quick way to locate legal resources is to search the online library catalog. Once you have selected the library catalog from the Law Library home page, you can refine your search by selecting the tab at the top right of the screen, your options are: articles, catalog, databases, journals, or the UW digital collection (UWDC).
As an additional finding aid, we provide more than fifty Library Research Guides. These guides are designed by topic and link you to books, articles, databases, and websites on a specific legal topic. To find these guides, select Law Library Research Guides on our home page, just below the library catalog link.
To locate our most popular legal databases, select the tab at the top of the screen, Databases, and select Top Databases.
Additional Information about the Law Library
For a quick online tour of the Law Library's Service, please browse our Fall, 2020 Law Library Orientation guide at, Welcome to the Law Library.
The library's physical space has been forced to make changes due to this pandemic, but our focus and our energy hasn't changed. We continue to provide library services. And when the campus is open, the Law Library will be here to provide study space for you to reserve again!
Submitted by Jenny Zook, Reference Librarian on October 13, 2020
This article appears in the categories: Law Library