For current news, legal trends, and practice tips from legal experts, check out the blog posts, newsletters, and podcasts from the library's top legal databases:
Here is a link to the library's Top Law Databases:
The Top Law Database list is alphabetical by name:
Bloomberg Law: The landing page for Bloomberg Law is Bloomberg news.
You can sort the Bloomberg Law News by Topic. To locate topics, select from the drop-down menu on the left. Select the straight lines at the top left of the screen.
Bloomberg also has podcasts, which you can locate by scrolling down the home page. Bloomberg Law's current podcast are: Business of Bees, Cases & Controversies, Down Ballot Counts, Law X.O & Talking Tax.
Set an Alert
You can sign up for alerts in Bloomberg Law News. After you have selected your topic, select the bell icon at the top of the page and follow the instructions to set an alert.
HeinOnline: You can find Hein's Blog by selecting help at the top of the home screen, then select Hein Blog
Two recent posts on HeinOnline's blog are:
New Addition: Electoral College
This New MyHein Feature Will Unequivocally Boost Your Research Efficiency
Lexis for Law Schools: Lexis offers Law360, a legal news service, which can be accessed by selecting the menu next to the Lexis+ logo or by selecting Law360's link from All Law Databases. At the Databases tab, alpha scroll to Law360. If you are off-campus, you will have to enter your NetID.
Proquest Congressional: Naturally, one of the best databases for federal congressional research has a service for: Political News & Social Media
Westlaw for Law Schools: For news items, trends, and legal practice articles from experts in the field, select Westlaw Today from the dropdown menu arrow next to WestlawEdge.
Wolters Kluwer Cheetah: Cheetah, a tax law database, has updated its practice contents: Practical Content Dashboard and the dashboard includes the latest tax information and trends.
Submitted by Jenny Zook, Reference Librarian on November 4, 2020
This article appears in the categories: Law Library