"Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York," is a line from Shakespeare's play, Richard III, that you may have read during an English literature lesson. That line is meant to remind us that, although we have faced a terrible year, better times are ahead.
We are all feeling a bit disconnected since the pandemic began. With apologies to Shakespeare, it's the winter of our disconnect. But, there is hope. One fine day we will return to in-person classes, one day you'll be able to speak with fellow classmates face to face, one day you'll be able to express either gratitude or annoyance as the gunners in your class answer every question. You'll set up study groups, reserve study rooms in the law library, and meet fellow law students in the atrium. Someday, I promise, Zoom will be just another app on your laptop and not the lifeline it is now.
With warmer weather, the law school community will return to some version of normal and eventually we will pass into our glorious summer--warm, friendly, like a companionable night at the Union watching sailboats gliding across Lake Mendota as a band plays on the terrace stage.
But for now, it is winter. It's cold. And it's exam week.
In normal times, I use this week to post a link to the law library wellness resources, Library Student Wellness Guide. It is chocked full of helpful tips, because the holidays can be stressful. Exams and papers fall due, crowds and inclement weather create travel hazards, and as everything piles up, you can feel overwhelmed. Already I'm seeing these types of media posts:
How are you coping with the holidays?
So, how are you coping, legal community? Need any research help? Don't forget, even as the holidays approach, the library is open, the librarians are available, and you can reach us with our Chat Service or by email: asklawref@law.wisc.edu.
And please, enjoy your stay-at-home holiday.
Submitted by Jenny Zook, Reference Librarian on December 11, 2021
This article appears in the categories: Law Library