On Thursday October 7th, in recognition of National Law Student Mental Health Awareness Day, the Law Faculty Committee on Student Wellness and the Law Library Wellbeing Committee are hosting several student activities, some of which we’d like to share with you:
Law Student Mental Health Awareness Events ...
- Stop by the Atrium over the noon hour and learn about some of the Wellness resources available to you including: NAMI-UW (an affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness) and their Green Bandana project; University Health Services resources; Counseling at UW Law School; Student Affairs; and Law Library Wellness Resources – with a treat basket raffle!
- Check out the Wellness Stations, which will be placed in various locations around the law school, allowing you to take a quick break to enjoy a number of fun and relaxing activities: stretching, smiling, practicing gratitude, coloring, and cute animal videos!
Things to Keep Your Eye on at the Law Library ...
- Keep your eye out for our weekly Wellness Wednesday posts on the Law Library’s Facebook page! These posts cover resources to help you stay in an optimal state of wellness and cover areas like: Nutrition, Exercise, Managing Stress, and more.
- Check out the Law Library's Law Student Wellness Research Guide, which is your gateway to Campus and Community Resources available to promote your wellbeing.
Wishing you all a healthy and happy fall semester!
Submitted by Sunil Rao, on October 7, 2021
This article appears in the categories: Law Library