In celebration of Black History Month, the Law Library has compiled the following links to UW-Madison and local community events and resources:
UW Law School & Library Resources
- UW Law Library Celelbration of Black People in Legal Community: A webpage of information about important Black legal scholars, lawyers, and others in the legal community.
- UW Law Library Newsletter, 2021: See Emma Babler's article from last year, for movies and books with black authors and characters, black owned business in Madison, and more ...
- African American History Maker: Vel Philips: Wisconsin Historical Society short video about the UW Law School's first African American female graduate.
- Black Law Students Association - UW Law School: Information about the organization and upcoming events.
UW-Madison Events, Organizations, and Resources
- Black History in Wisconsin: From the Wisconsin State Historical Society. A historical essay with links to images of significant documents covering African American history in Wisconsin from the 18th century through through the 20th century.
- Black History Education Conference: Feb 18-19. Opening day led by the Rev. Jesse Jackson. "The conference will provide a venue where educators across the state and country will be able to share policies, practices, programs, and procedures that have proven effective in promoting high levels of achievement for those often being underserved in our school systems and communities."
- Black History Month 2022 - UW: UW Student affairs newsletter, and complete calendar of events related to this year's theme: Melanin in the Media: The People, the Cultuter, the Blackprint.
- College Library Ethnic Studies Collection: Scroll down to "Ethnic Studies" for description of collection and UW catalog link.
- UW Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement: Descriptions of units, policies, programs and initiatives, and links to relevant resources.
- Wisconsin Black Student Union: Information about the organization, news, community events, and more.
Other Local Events & Programs
- Madison Public Library and Local Community Activities: Events, displays and activities in the Madison Public Library, as well as in the Madison Community. Scroll down to the section on "Black History Month or Related Events in the Greater Madison Community" for links to events and event calendars for activities in the Madison area.
- PBS Wisconsin: Honor Black History Month 2022: Links Feb. 2022 programs honoring Black History Month.
Submitted by Sunil Rao, on April 20, 2022
This article appears in the categories: Law Library