It’s Opening Day for baseball! If you’re a fan like me, you watched the lock out with trepidation, speculating whether this day would ever come. As a strident White Sox fan, I still remember the heartbreak of the 1994 strike and have spent the last few months wondering if we would see a repeat of what many have called the worst moment in baseball history. Fortunately, arbitration has ended and America's past time continues.
But as the players take the field today, the lockout reminds us that baseball isn’t all fun and games. There’s also a rich legal history to be explored and the library is here to help you do it.
The library provides access to many resources to aid you in your research, below are a sample for you to explore.
Legal Journals & Indexes
Foreign & International Law Databases & Guides
Research Guides
- Entertainment and Sports Law – Loyola Marymount Law Library
- Sports Law – Georgetown Law Library
- Sports Law – Georgia State Law Library
- Sports Law – Villanova Law Library
Law School Databases
- Business and Legal Aspects of Sports and Entertainment (HeinOnline) - Contains books, legal periodicals, important cases, legislative history, federal and state materials related to sports and entertainment law. (Hein is hosting a free webinar April 19, 2022 on researching Sports and Entertainment Law within their database. Attendees receive a free $5 Starbucks digital gift card)
- ProQuest Congressional - Find bills, statutes, committee hearings and reports, and legislative histories related to sports and entertainment law.
- ProQuest Legislative Insight - Find legislative histories related to sports and entertainment law
International Courts
Organizations & Centers
- The Jeffrey S. Moorad Center for the Study of Sports Law - Villanova University School of Law
- National Sports Law Institute - Marquette University Law School
- Penn State Institute for Sports Law, Policy, and Research
Blogs & Reading Lists
Books in the UW Madison Libraries Collection
- Baseball meets the law: a chronology of decisions, statutes and other legal events (2017)
- Baseball on trial: the origin of baseball's antitrust exemption (2014)
- Breaking down barriers: a legal guide to Title IX (2007)
- Careers in sports law (2014)
- Playing with the boys: why separate is not equal in sports (2008)
- Regulating the National Pastime: Baseball and Antitrust (1999)
- Sports and antitrust law (2014)
- Sports law in a nutshell (2017)
- Taking sports seriously: law and sports in contemporary American culture (2009)
Submitted by Manriquez,Elizabeth on April 20, 2022
This article appears in the categories: Law Library