Andrew Turner
Assistant Dean for Academic Enhancement; Teaching Professor
975 Bascom Mall, 5230 Law Building, Madison, WI, USA, 53706-1399
J.D., University of Wisconsin
M.A., La Follette School of Public Affairs
B.S. in Anthropology, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Before joining the faculty, Professor Turner worked three years as a corporate attorney with a major Wisconsin law firm, focusing on general business law. Professor Turner also practiced in healthcare, international trade compliance, public utilities, legislative drafting, and internal corporate investigation.
In his teaching, writing, and research, Professor Turner also draws on his diverse professional background. He has managed several major federal grants, including a $34 million project to improve the early childhood system across Wisconsin and a $1.4 million USAID-CDP grant to improve microfinance systems in six countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America for the World Council of Credit Unions. He recently completed research on the impact of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regulations on credit unions.
Professor Turner spent nearly a decade living and working in Bolivia, where he researched social and political issues and oversaw projects that helped indigenous Guarani communities navigate legal and political reforms. While living in Bolivia, Professor Turner also taught research methods, statistics, and anthropology at San Bernardo University in Tarija and worked as a small business owner designing websites and internet strategies for more than 30 small businesses across the U.S. and Bolivia.
He earned his law degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School and his master's degree in public affairs from the La Follette School of Public Affairs in 2008, as well as a bachelor's degree in anthropology from the University of Wisconsin - Madison in 1993.
Professor Turner teaches Legal Research and Writing I and II and Advanced Legal Writing: Contract Drafting.
Scholarship & Publications
Law Repository
Andrew Turner published "Let's Not Be Creative: 'Rigid IRAC' and the Hidden Power of Formalistic Legal Writing" in Volume 72, 2024, of the Journal of Legal Education.
Andrew Turner, co-director of Legal Research & Writing, was quoted in a State Bar of Wisconsin InsideTrack newsletter story published Feb. 7, 2024. In "Promise and Peril: Using AI for Transactional Documents," Turner explains how contract drafting is an art not easily outsourced to technology.
Andrew Turner presented "Beyond the Unfamiliar Reader: Helping Students Develop a Theory of Mind" during the Association of Legal Writing Directors Biannual Meeting on July 13, 2023.
At the 2022 Legal Writing Institute Biennial Conference on July 22 in Washington, D.C., Professors Kim Peterson, Andrew Turner, Desmund Wu, Alison Stites, Ashby Fox, and Andrew Norman presented "What happens when LRW faculty stop being polite and start getting real about legal writing conventions they don't agree with?"
Andrew Turner joined Lurene Contento of the Chicago-Kent College of Law to co-present on "Teaching Contract Drafting as Legal Writing" at the Legal Writing Institute's bi-annual conference at Georgetown Law School in July 2022. The presentation was a result of collaboration between professors Contento and Turner on the topic of teaching contract drafting.
News & Media
Friday, Oct 4, 2024Andrew Turner '08 Named Assistant Dean for Academic Enhancement Program
Monday, Apr 1, 2019Turner, Mitch and Edwards named UW Law School Teachers of the Year