Franciska Coleman
Assistant Professor of Law; Associate Director, East Asian Legal Studies Center
975 Bascom Mall, 6101 Law Building, Madison, WI, USA, 53706-1399
Educated Citizenry
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania (2011)
J.D., Harvard Law School (2008)
Franciska Coleman is an Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Wisconsin Law School, the Associate Director of the East Asian Legal Studies Center, and the Chair-Elect of the AALS Section on Constitutional Law. She is an interdisciplinary scholar, whose work draws upon political theory, critical discourse analysis, and First Amendment Law. Professor Coleman is deeply interested in defining multiracial, multiclass democracy and in exploring the changes to our constitutional framework that would be needed to facilitate the U.S.’s transition from a somewhat dysfunctional liberal democracy into a well-functioning multiracial, multiclass democracy. Her current research projects focus on 1) how the race-class marginalized use informal power, such as social speech regulation, to shape the narratives that underlie the political agenda, 2) how the narratives of the race-class marginalized themselves are impacted by social speech regulation and 3) the extent to which the race-class marginalized are willing and able to use formal political power to directly influence the choice among the options that make it to the political agenda.
Professor Coleman’s scholarship has appeared in the Journal of Free Speech Law, the First Amendment Law Review, the Boston University Law Review, and the American University Law Review Forum among others. In addition, as a public educator, Professor Coleman regularly presents her work on social speech regulation (aka “cancel culture”) to state bar associations, high school students, community groups and on local news stations.
Professor Coleman previously taught American Constitutional Law I and II at Yonsei Law School in Seoul, South Korea. During that time, she worked closely with the Korean government on several initiatives, such as international roundtables on offensive speech held by the Korean Communication Standards Commission and efforts by the Korean Legislation Research Institute to make Korean statutes more accessible to foreign communities.
Prior to her time in Korea, Professor Coleman worked as an associate in the litigation and appellate practice groups at Covington & Burling in Washington, DC. She received her JD from Harvard Law School and her PhD in Literacy, Culture and International Education from the University of Pennsylvania. While studying at these institutions, she was awarded the AAUW Selected Professions Fellowship and the Fontaine Fellowship.
Scholarship & Publications
Law Repository
Franciska Coleman was elected chair elect of the Association of American Law Schools section on Constitutional Law.
Franciska Coleman published "The Anatomy of Cancel Culture" on SSRN March 3, 2023. Read the paper.
Franciska Coleman was a panelist discussing "Private Employer Sanctions on Free Speech" during a Non-governmental Restrictions on Free Speech symposium hosted by Arizona State University on March 19, 2022.
Franciska Coleman posted a chapter on the U.S. Constitution in a book entitled "The 2020 International Review of Constitutional Reform" to SSRN. Read the abstract and download the paper.
Franciska Coleman posted "America’s Constitutional Contradictions" to SSRN. Read the abstract and download the paper.
Franciska Coleman posted a new essay to SSRN, "From Protection to Empowerment." Read the abstract and download the article.
Franciska Coleman presented “Federalism in the Time of COVID” for the State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program entitled A Global Moment in Time: Photojournalists Document Challenges and Opportunities in the COVID era, on Oct. 5, 2021.
Franciska Coleman participated in "The Health of Our Democracy: A Status Check" in December. The online forum featured a panel of UW-Madison experts weighing in on the state of U.S. democracy in the aftermath of the November elections. Watch a video of the event.
News & Media
Wednesday, Apr 10, 2024UW speaker security fees may stand on shaky legal ground. Anuj Desai and Franciska Coleman discuss.
The Badger HeraldWednesday, Jan 17, 2024Franciska Coleman: ‘Cure’ Usually Worse Than Disease of Offensive Speech
The HillWednesday, Oct 11, 2023Franciska Coleman on the Anatomy of Cancel Culture
Arizona PBSWednesday, Feb 8, 2023UW System Releases Results of Free Speech Survey: Franciska Coleman Comments
Channel 3000Monday, Oct 25, 2021Franciska Coleman comments on cancel culture
Wisconsin Public RadioFriday, Dec 4, 2020Franciska Coleman discusses Trump campaign's election lawsuits
WORT-FMTuesday, Nov 17, 2020New Faculty Focus: Franciska Coleman
Wednesday, Nov 4, 2020Franciska Coleman: Can Trump successfully stop the ballot count in battleground states?
CNBCMonday, Oct 5, 2020Three constitutional law scholars join UW Law faculty