Keith A. Findley
Professor Emeritus of Law
Pronouns: he/him/his
975 Bascom Mall, 8108 Law Building, Madison, WI, USA, 53706-1399
B.A. 1981, Indiana University
J.D. 1985, Yale Law School
For all but six years since 1985--during which he served as a state public defender--and until his retirement in January 2024, Keith Findley was a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin Law School. For 20 of those years, he taught in the Law School's clinics. In 2012, he moved to the tenure track, where he taught Evidence, Wrongful Convictions, Criminal Procedure, and Law & Forensic Science. In 1998, along with Professor John Pray, he co-founded the Wisconsin Innocence Project, and he served as co-director of the project until the spring of 2017, when he assumed the role of Senior Advisor. For five years, from 2009 to November 2014, he was president of the Innocence Network, an affiliation of nearly 70 innocence organizations throughout the world. In 2018, he co-founded a non-profit, the Center for Integrity in Forensic Sciences, dedicated to improving the reliability and safety of criminal prosecutions through strengthening forensic sciences.
Prof. Findley is the author of more than 50 law review articles and book chapters. His book--co-edited with 5 other scholars from a variety of disciplines--entitled "Shaken Baby Syndrome: Investigating the Abusive Head Trauma Controversy," was published by Cambridge University Press in 2023 (see
Prof. Findley's primary areas of scholarship and expertise are in wrongful convictions, criminal law and procedure, law and forensic science, and appellate advocacy. He has previously worked as an Assistant State Public Defender in Wisconsin, both in the Appellate and Trial Divisions. He has litigated hundreds of postconviction and appellate cases, at all levels of state and federal courts, including the United States Supreme Court. He also lectures and teaches internationally on wrongful convictions, forensic science, evidence, and appellate advocacy.
Later in his career, Prof. Findley also became involved in policing issues. He served as co-chair of the Madison Police Department Policy & Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee, which after four years of study issued a report in 2019 with 177 recommendations for reforms, including recommendations for creating a mechanism for civilian oversight of policing. From 2016-2018, he served as a Commissioner on the Madison Police and Fire Commission. In 2020, he served as co-chair of the Madison Police Body-Worn Camera Feasibility Review Committee. And in 2020 he was appointed by the mayor to serve a two-year term on the Madison Police Civilian Oversight Board.
Scholarship & Publications
Law Repository
Research Interests
- Wrongful Convictions
- Eyewitness Identification Procedures
- Interrogations & False Confessions
- Forensic Sciences
- Legal/Clinical Education
Keith Findley presented "Medical Determinations of Crime in the Judicial System" to a Committee of the National Academy of Science on Sept. 19, 2024.
Keith Findley presented "Brady Violations: Withholding Exculpatory Evidence as a Contributor to Wrongful Convictions" and "Reliability Standards and Admissibility of Forensic Science Evidence" during the Taiwan Innocence Project Annual Conference, Taipai, Taiwan, in August 2024.
Keith Findley presented "Reliability Standards for Forensic Science Evidence: Considering the Judge's Gatekeeping Role" at the Taiwan National Judicial Aademy in Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 2, 2024.
Keith Findley presented "The Role of Prosecutors in Remedying Wrongful Convictions" at the Office of the Supreme Prosecutor of Taiwan in Taipaie, Taiwan, Aug. 2, 2024.
Keith Findley presented "Beyond Controversy: The New Hidden Consensus in SBS/AHT" during the NYC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Babies and Toddlers Trauma Investigations Conference on Nov. 16, 2023.
Keith Findley presented "Shaken Baby Syndrome" to the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Actual Innocence for Lawyers Aug. 18, 2023.
Keith Findley presented "Strategies for Challenging Medical Determinations of Crime" and "Faulty Forensics and New Consensus in SBS/AHT CAses" during the Cardozo Law School National Forensic College on June 14, 2023.
Keith Findley presented "Defending the Shaken Baby Case" during the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association 19th Annual Forensics Seminar on Oct. 21, 2022.
Keith Findley presented "Ending Manner-of-Death Opinion Testimony and other Medical Determinations of Crime" during the Cardozo Law School National Forensics College on June 16, 2022. The College prepares attorneys to litigate complex forensic science issues strategically and with the support of the nation's leading law firms and experts.
Keith Findley presented "Plea Bargaining in the Shadow of a Retrial: Bargaining Away Innocence" during the California Western School of Law's Sixth Annual Ethics Conference: Legal Ethics and the Public Interest on May 6, 2022.
Keith Findley presented "Forensic Science and Daubert: Considering the Gatekeeping Role of the Judge" during a training presented to Michigan judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys hosted by the Michigan Judicial Institute on Feb. 16, 2022.
Keith Findley presented "Concentric Circles of Harm: Who is Hurt When the System Fails" and "Anatomy of Science-Dependent Prosecutions" during the Forensic Justice Institute, hosted by the State Bar of Wisconsin and the Center for Integrity in Forensic Sciences Jan. 21, 2022.
Keith Findley presented "How Do We Really Know Who Dunnit?" during the Wisconsin Science Festival, hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Wisconsin Institute for Discovery on Oct. 21, 2021.
Keith Findley and others posted "Plea Bargaining in the Shadow of a Retrial: Bargaining Away Innocence" to SSRN. Read the abstract.
Keith Findley presented "Beyond Subjective Judgments: The Importance of Quanitfying Data in Forensics" during CSI Korea, a conference co-hosted by the Korean National Police Agency and Korean Association of CSI on Oct. 20, 2021.
News & Media
Thursday, Oct 24, 2024Texas lawmakers hear testimony supporting death row inmate Robert Roberson. Keith Findley comments.
CNNFriday, Oct 4, 2024Keith Findley Discusses 'Shaken Baby Syndrome'
Texas ObserverThursday, May 23, 2024Keith Findley: 'We can't let discredited science lead to a Texan's execution'
Austin American-StatesmanThursday, Oct 5, 2023Legal Deck Stacked Against Parents Falsely Accused of Murdering Children; Keith Findley Comments
KTNVWednesday, Jun 7, 2023Keith Findley Explains Factors Surrounding 'Dark Pleas'
WTOL 11Tuesday, Apr 4, 2023Dane Co. Voters Voice Confusion Over Statewide Ballot Referendum Questions; Keith Findley Discusses
NBC 15Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023Keith Findley Comments on Diane Allan's Filing Against Farmington Police
KUTVThursday, Jan 5, 2023Keith Findley: 25 Years of Working to Free Those Wrongfully Convicted
IsthmusMonday, Nov 21, 2022Decades-Old Case Inspires New Research on Shaken Baby Syndrome Convictions; Keith Findley Comments
NBC 15Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022Keith Findley: Appointment of Robert Copley as New Independent Police Monitor May Help Community Trust MPD
The Badger HeraldWednesday, Nov 2, 2022Updated: Greg Wiercioch Continues Along ‘Unprecedented’ Path in Texas Death Penalty Case
Friday, Nov 12, 2021Updated: UW Law experts provide context on criminal law during Kyle Rittenhouse trial
Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021Just Narratives panel features Keith Findley
Tuesday, May 12, 2020Findley, Rogers awarded faculty fellowships for 2020-21
Monday, Feb 11, 2019In False Positive, Keith Findley tells the story of a Wisconsin man's wrongful conviction
Teaching Areas
- Appellate Advocacy
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure
- Evidence
- Law and Science
Recently Taught Courses