Susannah Camic Tahk
Professor of Law
975 Bascom Mall, 5211b Law Building, Madison, WI, USA, 53706-1399
B.A., Yale University
M.A., Yale University
J.D., Yale Law School
Susannah Camic Tahk has served as associate dean for research and faculty development at the Law School since 2016. In that capacity, she has focused on growing and diversifying the Law School faculty, increasing research support and visibility, strengthening faculty governance mechanisms, and sustaining a viibrant and inclusive intellectual community. She also directs the Law School's Institute for Legal Studies and sits on the University's Academic Planning Council. In 2018, she chaired the Law School's Strategic Planning Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. She is currently a fellow with the Big Ten Academic Alliance's Academic Leadership Program and also sits on the University of Wisconsin's Academic Planning Council.
Tahk's own research is on tax and poverty law, and her articles have appeared or will appear in the Tax Law Review, the Tax Lawyer, the Columbia Journal of Tax Law, the Iowa Law Review, the Wisconsin Law Review, the Arizona Law Review, the Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice, the Brooklyn Law Review, the Penn State Law Review, the Fordham Law Review, the Harvard Journal on Legislation, the Pittsburgh Tax Review and the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (see Jotwell coverage here and here). Her current projects are empirical ones on Tax Court and its litigants, particularly pro se parties and the issues they face.
In 2020, Tahk received the Vilas Mid-Career Investigator Award from UW-Madison. In 2015, Tahk received the Vilas Early Career Investigator Award from UW-Madison and was named an Up and Coming Lawyer by the Wisconsin Law Journal. In 2017, she won the Pro Bono Award from Wisconsin's Association for Women Lawyers. She's a graduate of Madison's Vel Phillips Memorial High School and mom to Serena, age 9; Sam, age 4; and Sebastian, age 2.
Tahk is admitted to practice in the District of Columbia and in Wisconsin. Her SSRN page is here.
Scholarship & Publications
Law Repository
Susannah Tahk presented "Spillover Tax Precedent" at the Cornell Law School Faculty Workshop in March.
In October 2020, Susannah Tahk was a panelist on the American Bar Association webinar, "The Tax System and Social Policy."
Susannah Tahk was an invited discussant in the AALS Virtual Poverty Law Workshop held in October 2020.
Heinz Klug is chairing the search-and-screen committee to find a new UW Law dean. Other committee members include: Michelle Behnke, Roman Gierok, Erica Halverson, Alexandra Huneeus, Richard Monette, Yaron Nili, Kim Peterson, Howard Schweber, Mitra Sharafi, Susannah Tahk, Janice Toliver, Kathryn VandenBosch, Steven Wright, and Jason Yackee.
Susannah Tahk gave the keynote address at the symposium, “Always with Us? Taxes, Poverty and Social Policy.” The symposium was hosted by the Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice on the campus of at Washington and Lee University in November.
News & Media
Tuesday, Jul 14, 2020Susannah Tahk wins Vilas award for research and teaching excellence
Thursday, Jul 28, 2016Susannah Camic Tahk discusses using the tax code to alleviate poverty
Pacific StandardWednesday, Mar 16, 2016Susannah Camic Tahk discusses Earned Income Tax Credits and the 'tax war on poverty'
Pacific StandardWednesday, Jan 27, 2016Susannah Camic Tahk weighs in on Hillary Clinton's tax plan
The StreetMonday, Dec 30, 2013Industry lobbies for broad eligibilty for tax-free bonds, says Susannah Tahk
Wisconsin State JournalMonday, Dec 16, 2013Susannah Tahk comments on United Sportsmen's IRS woes
Milwaukee Journal SentinelTuesday, Sep 10, 2013Susannah Tahk comments on tax status of embattled sportmen's group
Milwaukee Journal SentinelTuesday, Aug 27, 2013Mary Burke's tax liability doesn't reveal her income, says Susannah Tahk
The Capital TimesSunday, Jan 27, 2013Susannah Camic Tahk: Too early to predict impact of proposed tax cuts
Badger Herald