Steph Tai
Professor of Law
Pronouns: them/them/their
550 N Park St, Science Hall, Madison, WI, USA, 53706-1404
J.D., Georgetown University Law Center
Ph.D., Tufts University
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Steph Tai's scholarly research examines the interactions between environmental and health sciences and administrative law. These include the consideration of scientific expertise and environmental justice concerns by administrative and judicial systems, and as well as the role of scientific dialogues in food systems regulation, and the ways in which private governance incorporates scientific research. Professor Tai was an adjunct law professor at Georgetown from 2002-2005 and a visiting professor at Washington and Lee University School of Law during the 2005-06 academic year. Teaching interests include administrative law, environmental law, food systems law, environmental justice, risk regulation, contracts (especially private governance and supply chains!), and comparative Asian environmental law.
Raised in the South by two chemists, Professor Tai decided to combine their chemistry background with a legal education to improve the use of science in environmental protection. At Georgetown, Professor Tai was the Editor-in-Chief of the Georgetown International Environmental Law Review and a member of the Georgetown Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Team.
After graduating from Georgetown, Professor Tai worked as the editor-in-chief of the International Review for Environmental Strategies, a publication by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies in Japan. Professor Tai has also served as a judicial law clerk to the Honorable Ronald Lee Gilman on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Professor Tai then worked as an appellate attorney in the Environment and Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, briefing and arguing federal appellate cases involving a range of issues, from the protection of endangered cave species in Texas to the issuance of dredge and fill permits under the Clean Water Act. From 2013-2014, Professor Tai served as a U.S. Supreme Court Fellow as a researcher in the Federal Judicial Center.
Tai has published articles in a wide range of journals, from general journals such as the Yale Law Journal (Forum), Southern California Law Review, and the Arizona State University Law Journal to specialty journals such as the Georgetown Environmental Law Review and Ecology Law Quarterly. They are also co-author of a casebook on international environmental law: INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, and a current editor of Administrative and Regulatory Law News.
Professor Tai actively represents amici in federal circuit court and Supreme Court cases. During the summer before joining the Wisconsin Law School faculty, Professor Tai teamed up with several other law professors to work on two Supreme Court amicus briefs: one for a group of legislators in Environmental Defense v. Duke Energy Corp., No. 05-0848, and another for a group of scientists in Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency, No. 05-1120. Professor Tai still continues this work, representing commercial fishers in Entergy Corp. v. Environmental Protection Agency, Nos. 07-588, 07-589, 07-597; organic farmers in Monsanto v. Geertson Seed Farms, No. 09-475; former senior environmental agency officials in Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center, Nos. 11-338, 11-347; and prominent climate scientists in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, D.C. Cir. Nos. 15-1363 et al. Their Supreme Court amicus brief in County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund, co-authored with Royal Gardner from Stetson University College of Law et al. and written on behalf of numerous professional aquatic science societies, was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court in its majority opinion.
Professor Tai also currently serves as the Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, where they get to earnestly revel in the pure joy of bureacracy.
Professor Tai's leisure time is spent lifting weights, boxing, reading fiction, watching horror movies, cooking obscure dishes, listening to terrible pop punk, scouring farmers' markets, and annoying a rescue iguana named Megyn Kelly.
(Pronouns: them/them/their)
Scholarship & Publications
Law Repository
Steph Tai presented "Filling the Sackett Gap: The Private Governance Option" at the Minnesota Law Review Symposium on Oct. 18, 2024. Read the paper.
Steph Tai presented on a panel discussing "Numerical and Scientific Literacy in Environmental Law" during the Vermont Law Emerging Environmental Law Curriculum Conference on June 21, 2024.
Steph Tai discussed Filling the Vacuum: How Will We Govern Wetlands in the Future? on a panel during the Environmental Law Institute: Sackett v. EPA: One Year Out - Anniversary Conference hosted June 11, 2024.
Steph Tai and Daniel Cornelius published "Can We Save Our Foodways? The Inflation Reduction Act, Climate Change, and Food Justice" in the Yale Law Journal Forum on Apr. 17, 2024. Read the essay.
Steph Tai presented during a discussion panel on "Indigeneity and Land Rights" during the New York University School of Law Journal of International Law and Politics Symposium on Innovations in Environmental Law and Climate Advocacy on March 1, 2024.
Steph Tai was a panelist for "Private Ordering: How will property owners, land trusts and corporations respond to the decrease in regulation?" during Sackett v. EPA: What the Supreme Court's Decision Means for Regulation and Wetlands Conservation on Nov. 10, 2023.
Steph Tai presented "In Fairness to Future Generations of Eaters" during the PBS Wisconsin Garden and Landscape Expo on Feb. 11, 2023. Tai discussed how climate change is affecting our culinary heritage, and how legal tools can help try to address that.
Professor Steph Tai, Library Services Assistant Jay Tucker and student Jacob Lindenbaum were named to the inaugural Association of American Law Schools' Pro Bono Honor Roll. The Pro Bono Honor Roll acknowledges and highlights the pro bono work of individuals engaging in, expanding and/or supporting their law school community in providing pro bono legal services.
A paper co-authored by Steph Tai was cited in the technical support document for the new Environmental Protection Agency Waters of the United States Rule. The paper is "Advocating for Science: Amici Curiae Brief of Wetland and Water Scientists in Support of the Clean Water Rule."
Steph Tai presented "Model Environmental Supply Chain Contracts" during the UC Hastings College of Law Colloquium on April 12, 2022. The presentation is based on a forthcoming article in an American Bar Association book entitled "Contracts for Responsible and Sustainable Supply Chains: Model Clauses, Legal Analysis, and Practical Discussion."
The International Institute of Space Law (IISL) has released the case for the 2022 Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Competition. IISL held an orientation webinar regarding the upcoming edition of the competition on Sept. 23, 2021. The webinar included a question and answer segment with Steph Tai, a former competition winner, to discuss how the competition has influenced their career.
Steph Tai participated in the kickoff plenary session for the 2020 ABA Administrative Law Conference, "Recognizing and Addressing Racism in Administrative Law."
Steph Tai was a panelist at the Forward in Energy Forum, hosted in October by the Wisconsin Energy Institute. Forum speakers discussed the plans, policies and agendas of the two major presidential candidates.
Steph Tai presented "Racism and Informal Agency Adjudicatory Decisions, or, Is Racism Arbitrary and Capricious?" at the Online Symposium on Racism and Administrative Law, sponsored by the Yale Journal on Regulation.
Works by Olivia McCarthy '20 and Jacob Mohr '19 have been accepted for publication in the Drake Journal of Agricultural Law. Their research was part of Steph Tai's Contracts II class. McCarthy's essay is entitled "Moving the Family Farm into the Future: The Role of Dairy Contracts in Sustaining the Family Farm," and Mohr's article is entitled "High Damages or Mere Refunds? Unconscionability and Failure of Essential Purpose in Contracts for Defective Hemp Seed."
News & Media
Friday, Dec 20, 2024Steph Tai Comments on Insurance Companies Clarifying PFAS Exclusions in Policy Coverage
Wisconsin Public RadioWednesday, Aug 28, 2024Steph Tai: PFAS' Regulatory Scrutiny Here to Stay Despite Legal Challenges
Law.comTuesday, Jul 23, 2024Chevron is gone. What comes next? Steph Tai discusses.
WORTThursday, Jul 18, 2024Land trusts to seek more Stewardship funds after state Supreme Court decision. Miriam Seifter, Steph Tai comment.
Wisconsin Public RadioThursday, Jul 18, 2024Court Rulings Risk Wisconsin’s Air and Water Protections Says Steph Tai
The Cap TimesMonday, Jul 15, 2024Steph Tai: Supreme Court Ruling Weakening Federal Agencies May Affect Wisconsin Regulations
Wisconsin Public RadioThursday, Jun 20, 2024Steph Tai: Legal Challenges to New EPA Limits on 'Forever Chemicals' Expected to Continue
NPRTuesday, Jun 18, 2024Steph Tai: 'The U.S. Is Losing Wetlands At An Accelerating Rate"
The Athens MessengerWednesday, Jun 5, 2024Officials knew a school sat on a former dump and did little to clean up the toxins. Steph Tai comments.
The InterceptMonday, Jun 3, 2024Steph Tai on the Use of Science in Environmental Protection and Litigation
The New York TimesThursday, May 9, 2024Biden Administration sets limits on PFAS ‘forever chemical.' Steph Tai comments.
The Badger HeraldThursday, May 9, 2024Madison tech scene reacts to FTC ban on noncompete clauses. Steph Tai comments.
IsthmusTuesday, Jul 18, 20232 UW Law Projects Awarded Research Forward Grants
Friday, Jun 30, 2023Steph Tai on the Sackett v. EPA Decision: What the Justices Said and What this Means for Water
CleanLaw PodcastTuesday, Mar 29, 2022UW Law launches Wisconsin Initiative on Law and Climate Change
Teaching Areas
- Administrative Law
- Environmental Law
- Law and Science
- Natural Resources Law
Recently Taught Courses