At UW Law, supporting a student's success means supporting a healthy mind, body, and spirit. The resources listed here address multiple aspects of student wellness: mental health and safety, personal life, financial and academic. 

Mental Health & Safety

Mental wellness is achieved after your basic needs are met and when you can focus your attention, express your thoughts, cope with difficult emotions, and have a positive mindset.

Mental Health & Safety Resources »

bascom hill in autumn with the sun peaking through

Personal Wellness

We want our students to succeed beyond the classroom. Personal wellness encompasses your physical health, social life, and spiritual practices.

Personal Wellness Resources »

pensive bucky statue at alumni park by lake monona

Financial Wellness

Finances can be a huge stressor that affects your own personal wellness. Learn tips on taking control of your financial future.

Law School Financial Wellness Resources »
UW Madison Emergency Financial Aid »
UW Madison Basic Needs Resources »
UW Madison Office of Student Financial Aid »

You can also schedule an appointment via email with financial aid advisor, Lori Hickman.

plant growing out of jar with coins

Academic Wellness

We want to see our students be the best they can be, which includes thriving in their law school studies. Don't be afraid to attend professors' office hours!

Develop the critical skills necessary for academic success in law school and beyond through the Academic Enhancement Program »

Consider applying for academic accommodations or signing up for a study skills session through the McBurney Disability Resource Center »

You can also schedule an appointment via email with academic advisor, Angela Nash.

UW Law Library with sweatshirt over chair and coffee mug on table

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