You know the drill: you log in to your Wiscmail account, you get another buzz in your pocket from your phone- you have to tap a prompt that confirms that you are you. This feature (multi-factor authentication- MFA) was rolled out to the UW-Madis ...
There can be no more important words than these. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secur ...
Welcome Back! Welcome to the Law Library Law Badgers! With the start of the fall 2024 semester, the Law Library has resumed regular hours, Reminders: On the Law ...
Reminder that if you are affiliated with the law school you will have access to Bloomberg Law , Lexis+ and Westlaw Precision throughout the summer for legal research, summer associate assignments and clinical work. You also have access r ...
Summer is around the corner and can be the perfect time to boost your well-being. Here are five tips, drawn from the governmental and professional health organizations listed below, for enjoying a fun, safe and healthy summer! : Protec ...
A special ceremony that many students have probably been looking forward to since becoming law students is the hooding ceremony. The hooding ceremony confers a special recognition upon those graduating, not just for law students, but anyone rece ...
Happy National Library Week ! It does seem like every other day is a themed day of some kind (you can check on this website- for example, today is also National Hug Your Dog Day and National Siblings Day, so make sure to hug your pups an ...
Seeking help for exam preparation and want a study aid but don't know the title to ask for? The Law Library has a quick guide that provides a list of all available study aids, Study Aids on Reserve, located at the circulation desk. The ...
You've probably noticed signs within the library imploring patrons to not reshelve books. But you may not know why the librarians prefer you place that book on the reshelving cart and the answer may surprise you. Many of our materials do ...
While we are (hopefully) at the tail end of this winter season and nearing the midpoint of the semester, it is important to remember that success also means supporting a healthy mind, body, and spirit. The resources listed here address multiple ...
Valentine’s Day (February 14) may be the holiday of sweethearts, but it’s not the most legal-themed of celebratory days. We did a law journal article search in our favorite database HeinOnline to see if there were any articl ...
At the Law Library Bloomberg Law's Transactional Intelligence Center and Business Intelligence Center are databases in Bloomberg Law dedicated to business & securities law research. If you enter a company name in the menu box on t ...
While off to a frigid start, this semester brings lots of new opportunities and exciting challenges. Here are a few resources to help remind you of all the great events and tools that are provided for you to succeed! Be sure ...
Here we are, already in the finals period for Fall 2023. Speaking on behalf of the Law Library, I sincerely hope that your semester has gone smoothly and that the exams have treated yourself kindly so far. If you find yourself in need of any res ...
With the Holiday Gift giving season fast approaching many of us turn to online shopping as a quick and easy way to make purchases because it’s fast, easy and the packages arrive right at your door. While online shopping is a great tool for ...
If you've been near the Dean's office (on the 5th floor of the Law building) lately, you may have noticed something new- a bright, shiny new digital sign. Known as the "Dean's Digital Sign," this sign showcases recent UW Law School fa ...
Many of you will have already finalized your Thanksgiving meal plans. Even so, this article offers some valuable tips on how to enjoy a healthy feast. Wishing everyone a fantastic holiday weekend!
According to Black's Law Dictionary, Humanitarian Law is defined as: "The laws dealing with such matters as the permissible use of weapons and other means of warefare, the treatment of civilians, prisoners of war, civilian populations in armed ...
Legal writing resources are essential for anyone who needs to produce clear, concise, and persuasive legal documents. There are a variety of different legal writings resources available, highlighted below are just a few of the resources that can ...
Welcome to the new semester, Law Badgers! We're sure you've noticed how we've spruced things up around the 5th floor in the library over the summer. We have a brand-new reference desk (and we've been so happy to see so many of you stopping by to ...
With another government shutdown looming in the not so far distance, now is a great time to learn more about them and their effects. There are some excellent resources available if you would like to research more in this area, most are fre ...