The L&E Clinic runs like a law firm staffed by students and experienced supervising lawyers.
Student Experience
Student Expectations
Students are expected to:
- manage client relationships,
- manage client matters, including researching issues and drafting contracts and client memos,
- prioritize assignments and self direct work,
- track and bill their time,
- actively participate in firm, team, and practice area meetings, and
- expand their career and business development networks through attendance at events and use of social media.
Students are encouraged to share their knowledge and seek assistance within the L&E Clinic, and also from our Advisory Committee of respected attorneys in the Wisconsin legal community.

Practice Areas
Client engagements give student associates the opportunity to explore specialized practice areas, including:
- Tax and Corporate Law
- Trademark Law
- Patent Law (Design, Provisional, and Utility)
- Intellectual Property Licensing
- Securities
- Employment Law
- Internet Policies
- Food and Beverage and other Regulatory

More Information
If you'd like to learn more about the program, please feel free to contact us at