- Eric Berger, Associate Dean for Faculty; Professor of Law, Nebraska College of Law
- Stuart Chinn, Associate Dean for Programs and Research; James O. and Alfred T. Goodwin Senior Fellow; Faculty Director, Public Law and Policy Program; Director of Externships, University of Oregon School of Law
- Laurence Claus, Professor of Law, University of San Diego School of Law
- Andrew Coan, Professor of Law; Director, William H. Rehnquist Center on the Constitutional Structures of Government, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law
- David Fontana, Samuel Tyler Research Professor, George Washington University Law School
- Neil Komesar, Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Wisconsin Law School
- Jon D. Michaels, Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law
- Julian Davis Mortenson, Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School
- Carol M. Rose, Gordon Bradford Tweedy Professor Emeritus of Law and Organization and Professorial Lecturer in Law, Yale Law School
- Bertrall Ross, Chancellor's Professor of Law, UC Berkeley School of Law
- Edward L. Rubin, University Professor of Law and Political Science, Vanderbilt Law School
- Erin Ryan, Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor, Florida State University College of Law
- Jane S. Schacter, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law, Stanford Law School
- David S. Schwartz, Foley & Lardner Bascom Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin Law School
- Miriam Seifter, Associate Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin Law School
- Gil Seinfeld, Associate Dean for Academic Programming; Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School
- Carolyn Shapiro, Associate Professor of Law; Co-Director of the Institute on the Supreme Court of the United States, Chicago-Kent College of Law
- Neil S. Siegel, David W. Ichel Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science; Director of the DC Summer Institute on Law and Policy, Duke University School of Law