A listing of upcoming & past Compliant Initiative events.  

Upcoming events will also be included in the ILS Events on the Research Centers Event Page. Additional historical information can be found in the UW Law School Repository.


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2023 Compliance Initiative Events

November 30 Thursday

Data Privacy and Practical Compliance: A Business Perspective

Speaker: Jim Twieg, Experienced IT and Data Compliance Leader

Experienced IT and data privacy compliance leader, Jim Twieg offered a presentation of his experience in the field and shared his perspective on compliance from a business perspective for today's world.

headshot photo of Jim Twieg
Jim Twieg


2022 Compliance Initiative Events

February 16 Wednesday

Today’s Federal Trade Commission & the Future of Antitrust

Speaker: Professor Richard Pierce, George Washington University School of Law

This event brings Professor Richard Pierce, a leading scholar of antitrust and administrative law, to share his perspective on the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) current agenda. Professor Pierce, of the George Washington University School of Law, will discuss recent developments at the FTC impacting antitrust law, including the agency’s proposed expansion of its rulemaking agenda and its evolving approach to reviewing mergers and acquisitions. The discussion will wrap up with a short Q&A session.

1.0 CLE credit, Approved by Wisconsin Board of Bar Examiners

Richard J. Pierce, Jr. Biography

headshot of Richard J. Pierce

Professor at the George Washington University School of Law

Professor Pierce is the author of over twenty books and 130 articles on administrative law, government regulation, and the effects of various forms of government intervention on the performance of markets. His books and articles have been cited in hundreds of judicial opinions, including over a dozen opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court. He has been called the "most frequently cited scholar in the United States in the field of administrative law and government regulation." He currently teaches as the T. Alverson Professor of Law at George Washington University School of Law.


2021 Compliance Initiative Events

November 4 Thursday

The Weird World of Wine

Speaker: Tracy Genesen, Wine Institute and Jeannie Bremer, The Wine Group

This event brings two highly regarded wine industry professionals to the UW campus to share their unique perspectives, insights, and experiences in the wine business. The session wil focus on the wine industry's interactions with federal agency adjudication and rulemaking, as well as how the record largest U.S. winery structures its compliance program. It will further discuss some of the most pressin developments in the alcohol beverage industry, including direct-to-consumer shipping and labeling compliance.

The discussion will wrap up with a short Q&A session.

Tracy Genesen Biography

Wine Institute, San Francisco, CA

Tracy Genesen is the Vice President and General COunsel of the Wine Institute, the public policy advocacy association representing over a thousand California wineries and affiliated businesses responsible for 85 percent of the nation's wine production and more than 97 percent of U.S. wine exports.

Jeannie Bremer Biography

The Wine Group, Tracy, CA

Jeannie Bremer is the Vice President of Compliance & Public Policy at The WIne Group, a global leader in the wine industry with over 100 of your favorites brands like Cupcake, 7 Deadly, Concannon, Benziger, Chloe, Franzia, MD 20/20, and many others.

March 16Tuesday

Compliance from the General Counsel Perspective

Speaker: Ray Taffora, UW-Madison Legal Affairs, Rebecca House, Rockell Automation, and Natalie Machiolek, Kohler

The Compliance Initiative will be hosting an event titled “Compliance from the General Counsel Perspective.” The panel event will feature Raymond Taffora, Rebecca House, and Natalie Machiolek, the general counsels at UW-Madison, Rockwell Automation, and Kohler respectively. All are welcome to attend at 3:30-5:00pm on Tuesday, March 16th, over Zoom. The attached primer reading is also available in preparation for the event. 

January 28Thursday

Asia Pacific Export Controls: Perspectives on the Progress, Politics & Practice

Speaker: Jay Nash, Nash Global Trade Services

The Compliance Initiative will be hosting an event with Jay Nash, a global trade expert out of Washington D.C. Mr. Nash will be presenting his talk titled "Asia Pacific Export Controls: Perspectives on the Progress, Politics, and Practice." All are welcome to attend at noon on Thursday, January 28th, over Zoom. Mr. Nash has also provided background reading for his presentation, which can be found attached. 


2020 Compliance Initiatives

November 18Wednesday

Health Care Compliance: Putting Law into Action

Speakers: Katherine A. Kuchan and T. James Junger, Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C.

Join attorneys Katherine A. Kuchan and T. James Junger from Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C. as they aim to give law students and guests a glimpse into health care compliance practice.

This presentation will give a brief overview of the health care regulatory framework, then discuss the ways the government and private actors enforce those laws. The presenters will show the consequences of noncompliance (including administrative, civil, and criminal liability), then conclude with a discussion of what a health care compliance lawyer does on a day-to-day basis.

This event is part of the Compliance Initiative Speaker Series.

March 9Monday

Implementing the Seven Steps of Effective Compliance in the Medical Device Industry

Speaker: Tim Caprez

flyer for Implementing the Seven Steps of Effective Compliance in the Medical Device Industry
February 19Wednesday

Compliance Challenges for Healthcare In-House Counsel: EMTALA and the FCA

Speaker: Mary Link and Leah McNeely

flyer for Compliance Challenges for Healthcare In-House Counsel


2019 Compliance Initiatives

October 8Wednesday

Regulation & the Collapse of the New Deal Order or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Market

Speakers: Reuel Schiller, UC Hastings Law School

flyer for Regulation and the Collapse of the New Deal Order
April 12Friday

Hidden Politics: Interest Group Influence during U.S. Regulatory Policymaking

Speaker: Susan Yackee, La Follette School of Public Affairs

flyer for Hidden Politics
March 28Thursday

Compliance in a University Setting: Health Information Privacy and Title IX

Speaker: Cathy Trueba, Amanda Reese, and Lauren Hasselbacher, UW-Madison Office of Compliance

flyer for Compliance in a University Setting


2018 Compliance Initiatives

October 31Wednesday

Searching for a Safe Harbor: Compliance at UW-Madison

Speakers: Ray Taffora, UW-Madison Legal Affairs

April 20Friday

Compliance and Serving on the Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia

Speaker: Senator Ron Johnson, U.S. Senate

Senator Ron Johnson speaking at the event

April 4Wednesday

International Trade Compliance

Speaker: Eric J. Wilson, Godfrey & Kahn S.C.

flyer for Compliance in a University Setting

2017 Compliance Initiatives

November 28Tuesday

The Art of Creating a Sturdy Compliance Structure in an Unsteady World

Speakers: Rebecca Rapp and Aisha Smith, Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation

flyer for Art of Creating a Sturdy Compliance Structure

November 14Tuesday

Athletic Compliance: A Day in the Life of Division I Athletic Compliance

Speaker: Katie Smith, Brady Minter, and Dan Rohrer, UW Athletics

flyer for Athletic Compliance
April 13Thursday

Medical Device Recalls: A Window into Compliance

Speaker: Daniel Sokol, University of Florida Law School

flyer for Medical Device Recalls

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