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General Financial Information

Please direct all general financial questions to the Law School's financial manager, Jennifer Gardner-Brokmeier (jennifer.gardner@wisc.edu).

The Law School's chief administrative officer, Rebecca Scheller, can also provide assistance.  She can be reached by email (rebecca.scheller@wisc.edu) or phone (608-262-1815).

How to Request Reimbursement


For information related to travel, please refer to the Law School's Travel & Financial Reference Guide and UW-Madison's Travel Policies.

Purchasing Policies

There are a number of policies related to purchasing and the list below is not all inclusive.  For a complete list of the policies, please see UW-Madison Purchasing Policies.

FISC Funds

To request additional FISC funds prior to spending, please fill out the Request for Additional FISC Budget form (Excel Document) and submit to:

with a copy to Jennifer Gardner-Brokmeier (jennifer.gardner@wisc.edu) for approval.

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