Attention Pro Bono Volunteers:

Please remember that you must complete the Canvas ethics training course prior to commencing training for, or volunteering at, your placement. Any hours you may have earned prior to completing the ethics course cannot be counted toward Pro Bono Society membership.

Please contact Associate Director Lindsay Slaker at with any questions relating to pro bono projects or the Pro Bono Society. 


Spring 2025 Opportunities

Center for Patient Partnerships

The Center for Patient Partnerships has 2 volunteer opportunities available, with LIFT Wisconsin (Legal Interventions for Transforming Wisconsin) and Legal Resource Navigators.

  • LIFT Wisconsin (Legal Interventions for Transforming Wisconsin):
    LIFT Wisconsin provides legal services at community-based pop-up legal clinics in Jefferson County. LIFT Wisconsin helps people restore suspended driver's licenses, assisting people identify other legal problems they may have, and referring them to further legal services and employment support. Students are supervised by clinical faculty at the Center for Patient Partnerships and the LIFT staff attorney. 
    • Approximate hours of work requested: Students are asked to commit to at least 9 hours over the semester, which would be a 3-hour training, plus volunteering at 2 clinics.
    • Location: Pop up clinics take place on one Tuesday a month at the Watertown Public Library from 3pm - 6pm. Dates are below.
      • September 24
      • October 29
      • November 19
      • December 10
    • Training: All volunteers must complete a three-hour training on reinstating driver’s licenses. Additional training will be provided as new modules are rolled out.
    • Transportation: A vehicle is required to travel to Jefferson County. Carpooling will also be coordinated.
    • Desired course or clinic experience: No specific course or clinic experience required. Training will be provided. All levels (1L-3L) welcome.
    • To participate: Contact Sachin Gupte at for more information.

  • Legal Resource Navigator:
    Undergraduate students work with patients to help them connect with needed community resources and follow-up with them regularly to help them stay healthy. Law students receive referrals to help patients with health-harming legal needs. Patients receive preventative legal information and guidance as they navigate legal issues.
    • Approximate hours of work requested: 2-4 hours per week
    • Location: Extension Building (on campus)
    • Training: Required to attend selected training sessions necessary for competency, become a UW Health Volunteer and Pro Bono ethics training.
    • Desired course or clinic experience: Preference will be given to students who have client-services experience. Fluency in Spanish or other languages a significant plus, as well as experience working with people with disabilities. All levels (1L-3L) welcome.
    • To participate: Contact Curran Cauldwood at for more information.

Community Immigration Law Center (CILC)

Community Immigration Law Center
Christ Presbyterian Church
944 E. Gorham St.
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608-640-4447

CILC provides legal information regarding immigration to individuals and groups who might otherwise not have access to the legal system. CILC does this through walk-in legal clinics, know-your-rights presentations, and other community outreach activities. More information can be found on this CILC Volunteer flyer (PDF). CILC grew out of a series of meetings with people from various legal, social, and faith-based organizations who shared a concern about the lack of affordable legal services for noncitizens in our community.

  • CILC Consultation Day:
    Volunteers conduct intakes on behalf of CILC attorneys with walk-in clients. Foreign language skills are not required, though preferred.
    • Schedule: 2nd and 4th Friday of the month.
    • Location: Christ Presbyterian Church (address above).
    • Approximate hours of work requested: 4 hours per shift (1-5pm).
    • Training: Trainings are held in-person several times throughout the year. A recording is available if a volunteer is unable to attend a live training.
    • To participate: Contact attorney Natalia Lucak for more information.

  • Pro Se Asylum Clinic:
    CILC seeks Spanish-speaking student volunteers to assist with the Pro Se Asylum Clinic. Volunteers will work in pairs to help participants complete the asylum application form. Spanish fluency is required.
    • Schedule: 1st Friday of every month.
    • Approximate hours of work requested: 3.5 hours per shift (morning shift: 9am-12:30pm; afternoon shift: 12:30pm-4pm).
    • Training: Volunteers must watch a 1-hour webinar training on asylum and how to complete the asylum application. Volunteers are also asked to review materials that are used during the clinic.
    • Location: Christ Presbyterian Church (address above).
    • To participate: Contact attorney Natalia Lucak for more information. 

Community Justice, Inc.

Community Justice, Inc.
214 N. Hamilton St. #101
Madison, WI 53713

Community Justice's mission is to serve low- and moderate-income families and individuals in need of legal service. Their goal is to provide legal services at a rate drastically below the market cost of representation. They believe that through community collaboration they can advocate for the legal needs of low-income and under- represented people in the courtroom and community.

Law students will help increase access to the legal system for low-income and under-represented individuals by helping to provide direct legal services, community awareness, and educational programming . They will do this by doing intakes, assisting attorneys to prepare documents, doing research and more.

  • Schedule: Volunteer shifts are usually 9:00am-1:00pm and 1:00pm-5:00pm. Hours are flexible based on student availability.
  • Location: Community Justice (address above) but some off-site work may be possible.
  • Approximate hours of work requested: One 4-hour shift per week, though CJI is flexible.
  • Training: CJI will individually train all volunteer law students. Training is provided in intake procedure, general office procedures and protocol, including the preparation of documents. Written training materials are provided for reference in all matters volunteers work on, including detailed phone scripts to ensure conflict checks and eligibility checks are properly completed.
  • Transportation: Accessible by foot (20-30 minutes) or bus (16-20 minutes) from the Law School.
  • Desired course or clinic experience: All levels (1L-3L) welcome. Students who have an interest in or have taken classes on family law and who have an interest in assisting people of very limited economic resources will help.
  • To participate: Contact Executive Director Mara Bridgman at

Dane County Bar Association Legal Clinics

Dane County Bar Association Legal Clinics
Dane County Courthouse (or Virtual)
215 S. Hamilton Street
Madison, WI 53706

The Dane County Bar Association offers several programs which provide community members with legal information, free of charge. The programs are staffed by volunteer lawyers, paralegals, and law students.

  • The Estate Planning Clinic
    The Estate Planning Clinic operates in person several Saturdays throughout the year. Volunteers assist low-income individuals prepare basic estate planning documents.
    • Schedule: 8:30am-12pm on several Saturdays throughout the year.
    • Location: Madison College campuses in Madison (rotating).
    • Approximate hours of work requested: approximately 10 hours per semester.
    • Training: Students view a 30-minute training video about the program. Students must also sign a confidentiality agreement.
    • Desired course or clinic experience: All grade levels (1L-3L) are welcome, and no prior experience is necessary.
    • To participate: Interested students in the Estate Planning Clinic should contact Jennifer Binkley at

  • The Veteran’s Law Center (VLC) 
    VLC operates virtually and in person. Volunteers give information on court procedures, refer clients to community resources, provide legal advice and assistance, and help complete forms and provide filing instructions alongside a volunteer attorney.
    • Location: Virtually or at the Dane County Courthouse (address above)
    • Approximate hours of work requested: approximately 10 hours per semester.
    • Training: Students complete a 1-hour mandatory training session on clinic procedures, professional responsibility, ethics, and a general overview of VLC.  Students must also sign a confidentiality agreement.
    • Desired course or clinic experience: All grade levels (1L-3L) are welcome, and no prior experience is necessary.
    • To participate: Contact DCBA Legal Clinics for the training information.

Free Legal Answers

Learn various areas of law by conducting research to assist attorneys in answering citizen questions posted to the Free Legal Answers website, hosted by the American Bar Association.

  • Structure: You will sign up for 2-3 weeks to be “on call” during the summer. During those “on call” weeks, you may be assigned a question by a volunteer attorney. Your question will be assigned between Monday and Wednesday during your “on call” week; your draft answer is due back to the volunteer attorney within 48 hours of receipt. This is intentional, to mimic real-world practice where clients expect a timely response. The volunteer attorney will review your draft, make any changes necessary, and submit it back to the client through Free Legal Answers. The attorney will share their final response with you and give feedback on your draft. We are using the phrase “on call” and that you “may” be assigned a question because of the nature of the Free Legal Answers site. There may be weeks where there are no questions available or appropriate for a student to draft. That is why we are asking that students sign up for 2-3 weeks this summer, so that there is a greater likelihood that you will receive a question.
  • Content: The volunteer attorneys are not looking for lengthy memos. Often, responses are only a few sentences. If a question depends on a lot of other factors or is too complex for a quick response, your response may simply be referring the client to different agencies or resources that are more equipped to help.
  • Time commitment: 1-2 hours per question. You may sign up for 2-3 “on call” weeks during the semester. The program will run from 1/19 – 4/13.
  • Location: Virtual. All work performed independently and correspondence is over email.
  • Experience required: None. Open to all grade levels.
  • Skills gained from this experience: Working on a deadline; writing concisely; summarizing complex legal information in a way that clients from non-legal backgrounds can understand; client communication.
  • Areas of law: family law, small claims, business law, contracts, general litigation.
  • To participate: Click here to fill out a form expressing your interest. Email for more information. 

Legal Action of Wisconsin (LAW)

Legal Action of Wisconsin (LAW)
744 Williamson Street, Suite 200
Madison, WI 53703

Legal Action of Wisconsin (LAW) is the state’s largest non-profit law firm providing free civil legal services to Wisconsin clients at the most vulnerable times in their lives. For more than 50 years, we’ve changed and improved lives by making sure the civil legal system works for everyone.

  • Pro Bono Debtor Rights Program*
    UW Law and Legal Action have teamed up to counsel low-income individuals about bankruptcy and other tools to address creditor harassment.  Student volunteers assist volunteer attorneys with telephone counseling sessions and client follow-up.  
    • Approximate hours of work requested: Friday mornings from 10am-12pm
    • Location: Remote. Though students who are present in Madison can also volunteer to work with Legal Action staff to help prepare bankruptcy petitions. 
    • Commitment: Students are asked to commit to at least one two-hour volunteer session during the semester, but students can also volunteer more frequently.   
      *New volunteers are required to attend a 90-minute training. Please email Megan McDermott at if you would like more information about the program or would like to attend the next training session.  

  • Expungement & Criminal Record Clearing Clinics
    Criminal records often contain inaccurate or misleading information, as well as expungement- eligible or pardon-eligible offenses. Volunteer lawyers assess these records and provide the client with advice on their options for relief, including expungement and pardon petitions. We partner with community organizations and technical colleges throughout the state to provide virtual and in-person clinics.
    • Approximate hours of work requested: 3 hour shifts are offed several days per week
    • Training: Live trainings and remote trainings can be accessed
    • Location: Primarily remote, though some in person events also occur.
    • Desired course or clinic experience: All grade levels (1L-3L) are welcome, and no prior experience is necessary.
    • To participate: Click the appropriate links below to sign up.  Contact attorney Megan L. Sprecher at for more information.

  • Urban League Background Check Clinics
    Work with pro bono attorneys to advise clients about what can be removed, corrected, expunged, and/or pardoned on their CIB background check. Your volunteering will help Dane County residents access employment and housing opportunities.
    • Location: 1233 McKenna Blvd and 2222 S. Park in Madison 
    • Registration: Dates announced soon! Likely 2/11 and 3/12. Sign up online.

  • Virtual Clinic
    Work with pro bono attorneys to advise tech college students about: what can be removed, corrected, expunged, and/or pardoned on their CIB background check; bankruptcy eligibility and process; or Driver's license recovery.
    • Details: Your volunteering will help tech college students throughout the southern half of Wisconsin enter the program of their choice, obtain field placement/internship, graduate, obtain any necessary professional licensing, and find a career that will help them support themselves and their family.
    • Registration: Sign up online.

Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics (MVLC)

Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics (MVLC)
The Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics (MVLC) provide free brief legal advice and referral services on civil legal matters including but not limited to: family law including divorce, child support, placement, custody; evictions & housing law; eviction records; debt/collections; small claims; small business; guardianship; probate; and more. The clinics are staffed by volunteer law students and attorneys.

  • Approximate hours of work requested: Students must commit to volunteering 2 hours per week (1 shift), and to participating for a full semester. 
    • Mondays from 11:15-1:30PM
    • Thursdays from 11:15am-1:30PM
  • Training: A required remote training is provided.
  • Location: Remote
  • Desired course or clinic experience: All grade levels (1L-3L) are welcome, and no prior experience is necessary.
  • To participate: Interested students should email (sooner than later).   Include your name, email address, whether you would like the Monday or Thursday clinic, and whether there are any weeks between January 21 and April 24 when you will not be able to participate.

Unemployment Compensation Appeals Clinic

The Unemployment Compensation Appeals Clinic is a pro bono clinic providing resources to those who have been denied unemployment insurance by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. Students, including first semester 1Ls, can represent UI claimants in their appeal hearings in front of Administrative Law Judges. Students gain substantive and procedural knowledge of Wisconsin unemployment law, as well as hone skills of direct and cross examination, submitting evidence, and client management.

If you're interested in public interest, trial advocacy, or labor and employment law, this is a great opportunity to gain experience and showcase a proficiency in those fields. Students work under local volunteer attorneys, creating relationships and mentorship connections.

Participants in this pro bono clinic make a material difference in claimants' lives.

  • Fall Schedule: every Monday from 7:00-9:00
  • Location: Madison Labor Temple (1602 S. Park St. Madison, WI 53715) or remote. The Labor Temple is directly on several bus routes and has lots of parking.
  • Training: There will be trainings held once the fall semester begins. If you're interested in volunteering for the summer but have not yet been trained, contact the Student Manager at to discuss options.
  • Desired course or clinic experience: None—all years are encouraged to participate.​
  • How to participate: If you're interested and would like more information or have any questions contact Julia Hoff at or

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

Business and Tax Law Association 
Richard Dilley Tax Center
2238 S. Park St.
Madison, WI 53713

The mission of the VITA* program is to provide free tax preparation to low- and moderate-income individuals and families. Students will completely prepare and file the tax return of each client with the assistance of senior volunteers. Students may also be asked to do various clerical activities (filing signed papers, etc.). Additionally, students will learn about tax issues and answer client questions regarding various tax issues.

*Students participating in VITA for directed research credits are not eligible for pro bono hours. 

  • Schedule: Late January through mid-April every year, from 1-5pm on Mondays and Fridays and 9am-3pm on Saturdays.
  • Approximate hours of work requested: 25-30 hours total from January through April. Students typically work one shift a week (Mondays or Fridays for the full shift time or a half-day shift on Saturday), or a full Saturday every other week. Scheduling can be flexible to suit the student's schedule and other commitments.
  • Training: Students take an online certification test and then an in-person training at the VITA site at the start of the spring semester.
  • Training Location: At the VITA site (address above).
  • Transportation: Accessible by bus, carpools can be arranged.
  • Desired course or clinic experience: All levels (1L-3L) welcome. No prior tax experience necessary. This program emphasizes collaboration and ongoing learning. Every tax return will be reviewed by a senior volunteer.
  • To participate: Please contact Duranya Freeman at or Jess Jurcek at Look for announcements in the SBA Newsletter during the late Fall Semester.

Wisconsin Wills for Heroes

State Bar of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 7158
Madison, WI 53707

Through the Wisconsin Wills for Heroes Program, volunteer lawyers, law students, notaries, and witnesses participate in clinics scheduled for first responder organizations throughout Southern Wisconsin. At these events, volunteer lawyers and students prepare wills and other estate planning documents free of charge for eligible first responders and their spouses or domestic partners.

The national Wills for Heroes program was created by the Wills for Heroes Foundation after September 11, 2001 and is designed to assist emergency personnel in preparing basic estate planning documents to protect themselves and their families. Wills for Heroes in Wisconsin is sponsored by the State Bar of Wisconsin's Pro Bono Program, with the generous support of Foley and Lardner LLP, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, LexisNexis and the State Bar Young Lawyers Division.

  • Schedule: Visit their website to view upcoming clinic locations.
  • Event operation: First responders complete an estate planning questionnaire and watch an estate planning video prior to their appointment with the attorney volunteer. The attorney volunteers use customized software to create each first responder's estate plan. At subsequent stations, the estate planning documents are witnessed and notarized.
  • Training: Complete the online ethics course prior to volunteering at a clinic. Law students will be paired with volunteer attorneys for training. Law students may also attend a clinic to observe prior to volunteering.
  • Location: The in-person clinics rotate locations at various police departments in the Madison area. Visit their website to view upcoming clinic locations.
  • Desired course or clinic experience: No estate planning experience required, but 2s and 3Ls who have successfully completed Trusts and Estates are preferred.
  • To participate: Contact attorney Kass Longie with your desired clinic date and experience with estate planning or the clinics. Students, please do not register for a clinic as an attorney before contacting Attorney Longie.

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