Who May Participate

Any law student currently enrolled at the University of Wisconsin Law School may participate in the Pro Bono Program. Interested law students may apply to any pro bono project approved by the Pro Bono Program.

Students who document their hours and meet other requirements will become eligible for induction into the Pro Bono Society.

Student Obligations 

Students are responsible for reporting any pro bono hours they wish to have counted for recognition from the Pro Bono Program. 

Students log the hours in their Symplicity account under My Account > Pro Bono. The Pro Bono Program may verify student hours with project supervisors once they are recorded.

Students who commit to a pro bono project must complete the assigned project unless they are released with the express permission of both the Pro Bono Program Director and the Project Supervisor.  Any student who, after accepting an assignment from a pro bono host organization, does not complete the assignment may be suspended from future participation in the Pro Bono Program.

Propose a Pro Bono Project

UW Law students who would like to submit a pro bono project proposal to the UW Law School Pro Bono Program in order to create their own pro bono opportunity.

  1. Law-related: You must perform pro bono work that is related to the law.
  2. Uncompensated: You must work in a volunteer capacity and may not receive any compensation, including stipends.
  3. No Academic Credit: Your work cannot be used to fulfill the requirements of a clinic or a directed study project, or to otherwise obtain academic credit.
  4. Supervision/Training: You must be trained and supervised by an attorney, law school faculty or staff member, or other licensed professional.
  5. Eligible Clients: Your pro bono work must serve:
    • People of limited financial means, or
    • Charitable or not-for-profit organization in matter which are designed primarily to address the needs of persons of limited financial means. 

To propose a project, please send Lindsay Slaker at lslaker@wisc.edu a brief email describing how your proposed project meets the above guidelines.  


If you are a UW Law Student and have any questions about participating in the Pro Bono program, please contact Lindsay Slaker at lslaker@wisc.edu.

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