Exam Updates
Current Exam4 Software Version - Fall 2024 Final Exams
The Exam4 software is available for Fall 2024 Final Exams as of November 25, 2024.
You must download an updated version of the Exam4 software every semester for each exam period. If you have midterms that use the Exam4 software, you will need to download it twice per semester: once for midterms and once for final exams. The Law School will notify students via email when the updated software is ready for download each semester for midterms and again for final exams.
Reschedule Deadline for Spring 2025 Final Exams - March 21
Final exams can only be rescheduled in accordance with Law School Rule 6.03. To petition to reschedule a final exam, follow the instructions to "Reschedule Exams Due to Schedule Conflicts" by March 21.
Accommodation Notification Deadline for Spring 2025 Final Exams - March 21
In order to guarantee accommodations for final exams, the Law School must receive your Student Accommodation Letters via McBurney Connect by March 21. After that date, accommodations cannot be guaranteed, as the Law School might not have sufficient time for preparation.
Last updated: 1/7/2025
Proctored exam timing
Proctored exams are administered in-person at the Law School and promptly begin on the scheduled date at 10:00 a.m. (Central Time), unless otherwise indicated on the Exam Schedule. We suggest planning to arrive to your exam room at least 15 minutes before your exam begins.
Your instructor determines the exam duration, which is indicated on the Exam Schedule.
Rules for proctored exams
Electronic Devices
You may bring one laptop computer running the Exam4 software into the exam room. All other electronic devices are prohibited and must be turned off and inaccessible throughout the exam, including:
- headphones,
- cell phones,
- tablets,
- smart watches,
- additional monitors,* and
- computers other than the testing computer.
*Your testing computer may only have a single monitor; multiple monitors are NOT allowed.
Be sure to turn off any alarms on your phone, watch, computer, etc.
You may use your own non-electronic earplugs, that are separate, one for each ear. Headphones of any kind, electronic or non-electronic, are not permitted.
Restroom Breaks
You may leave the exam room to use the restroom or take a short break, but you may NOT remove any papers, books, or electronic devices from the exam room and you may NOT return with any.
You may NOT discuss the exam with others during any breaks.
Eating & Drinking in the Exam Room
You may eat and drink in the exam room, as long as you do so quietly and without disturbing other exam takers.
Hardcopy Materials
Your instructor decides how much access you'll have to hardcopy materials during the exam. The Exam Schedule will indicate whether hardcopy materials are allowed by using the following terms*:
- Unlimited Hardcopy Materials: any & all hardcopy materials may be accessed during the exam
- This was previously called "Open book"
- Limited Hardcopy Materials: some - but not all - hardcopy materials may be accessed during the exam (e.g., your instructor may allow you to access your textbook and notes, but no other materials)
- This was previously called "Open book w/restrictions"
- No Hardcopy Materials: no hardcopy materials may be accessed during the exam
- This was previously called "Closed book"
*Note that these terms are different from the Exam4 Modes, which determine how much access you'll have to electronic materials during the exam.
Exam Materials & Leaving the Exam Room
After finishing your exam, but before leaving the exam room, you must:
- Submit your exam electronically via Exam4, or turn in your bluebook if you handwrote your exam.
- Return all exam materials, including the exam itself and any scratch paper, to the proctor.
- Sign the exam roster.
Proctored exam instructions
Before Exam Day
- Review the Exam4 Software Instructions page carefully. Students are required to use the Exam4 software to submit their exams.
- Watch the Exam4 "How-To" Videos to prepare for exams.
- Uninstall any previous versions of the Exam4 software installed on your computer.
- Download the updated version of the Exam4 software, which you must do every semester after the Law School notifies students that the Exam4 software is ready for the current exam period. If you have midterms that use the Exam4 software, you will need to download it twice per semester: once for midterms and once for final exams.
- Take as many practice exams as necessary to get comfortable with the software, and familiarize yourself with all of the Exam4 features.
- Familiarize yourself with the procedures for technical issues and personal emergencies, so that you know how to proceed in the event you encounter an issue before, during, or submitting your exam.
On Exam Day
- Arrive to your exam room at least 15 minutes before your exam begins. Proctored exams begin at 10:00 a.m. (Central Time), unless otherwise indicated.
- Check-in with the proctor. Grab two pieces of scratch paper and the Exam4 instructions. Do NOT write on the Exam4 instructions, so we can reuse them.
- Put away any unauthorized hardcopy materials and electronic devices. Turn off your cell phone. Turn off any alarms on your phone, watch, computer, etc.
- Launch the Exam4 software and begin the appropriate exam in the Exam4 software.
- Stop when you get to the screen that says, "WAIT!" Verify that you've entered your exam number correctly and that you've selected the correct course. If you've made an error, click the "Back" button and make any corrections. The proctor will notify you when you can click "Begin Exam."
- The proctor will give you a copy of the exam. Keep the exam face down until you are instructed to turn it over. When instructed to turn it over, write your exam number on the cover page in the designated space.
- Type your essay responses in the Essay window. Answer any multiple-choice and/or true/false questions in the Multiple-Choice window.
- Submit your exam electronically via the Exam4 software and exit the Exam4 software.
- Remain seated and keep your voices down after the exam is over.
- Follow the proctor's instructions for turning in your exam materials and signing the exam roster.
- Leave the exam room. Please do not linger or talk in the hallways after the exam, as other exams will be ongoing. Even discussions in the Atrium can carry into exam rooms, so please do your best to socialize outside of the Law building after the exam to avoid disturbing exam-takers.
Practice proctored exam
Review the practice exam information on the Exam4 Instructions page. After doing so, follow the proctored exam instructions above. You should select the practice exam in the appropriate Exam4 mode as the "course."
As a reminder, the exam questions will NOT appear in the Exam4 software. For proctored exams, the exam questions will be distributed in hardcopy form in the exam room, so there is no practice exam question provided for proctored exam modes.
Procedures for Technical Issues
The following are procedures for various technical problems that may arise. And remember, taking a practice exam is the best way to troubleshoot before your exam starts!
- Technical issues at the beginning of an exam
- Extra time will NOT be provided for preventable technical issues at the beginning of an exam, such as forgetting to download the latest version of the Exam4 software. Thus, be sure to take a practice exam before each exam period - once before midterms and once before final exams - with the latest Exam4 software version to address these common problems, and confirm that you see the correct semester and exam period (midterms v. final exams) listed in the Exam4 software.
- Technical issues during an exam
- Technical issues at the end of an exam (submission issues)