Governance Structure 

GLS serves as the Human Rights Program's administrative home, with co-chairs and executive director being responsible for its programs. 


Executive Director

Affiliated Scholars

Samer Alatout headshot

Samer Alatout

Associate Professor, Department of Community & Environmental Sociology

  • Research Interests: sociology and politics of science and technology; social theories of power and government biopolitics; Foucault Social theories of territory with a focus on borders, political and cultural geography; environmental policy and politics; water politics in the Middle East; environmental politics on the US/Mexico and Palestine/Israel borders; International Development and the politics of sustainability
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: Water Policy in International Contexts; International Development, Environment, and Sustainability; Social Theories of Power; Social Theories of Border; Local and Regional Approaches to Sustainability and Vulnerability
headshot of Araceli Alonso

Araceli Alonso

Associate Faculty, Department of Gender and Women's Studies and the School of Medicine and Public Health

  • Research Interests: women's health and women's rights; Founder and Director of the United Nations Award Winner Health by Motorbike (HbM), an NGO that provides medical services and health literacy to remote and isolated villages in Africa
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: GWS535 Global Women's Health and Human Rights; Global Health Field Experience on Human Rights and Sex Trafficking in Spain and Morocco "Sex Trafficking: Criminalized Economies of Gender and Desire"
Sumudu Atapattu headshot

Sumudu Atapattu

Director of UW Law School Research Centers; Senior Lecturer,  UW Law School

  • Research Interests: international environmental law; climate change; human rights and the environment
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: 918 SP International Law: International Environmental Law; Climate Change, Human Rights and the Environment
headshot of Tyrell Haberkorn

Tyrell HaberKorn

Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, Director of Graduate Studies

headshot of Ksenija Bilbija

Ksenija Bilbija

Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

  • Research Interests:  Cultural Studies; Gender Criticism and Post-Traumatic Memory.
headshot of Brandon Bloch

Brandon Bloch

Assistant Professor, History

  • Research Interests: research and teaching foreground questions of democracy, citizenship, and human rights; special interest in how European national and religious identities have evolved against the backdrop of territorial conflict, divided sovereignties, ethnic cleansing, and genocide; currently researching democratic reconstruction in post-1945 Germany, with a focus on the role of religious networks in constitutional and human rights politics
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: “Genocide, War Crimes Trials, and Human Rights in the 20th Century”
headshot of Lori DiPrete Brown

Lori DiPrete Brown

Associate Director for Education and Engagement for the Global Health Institute; Director of the 4W Initiative

  • Research Interests: global health; vulnerable populations (especially women and children)
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: PHS 370 Introduction to Public Health: Local to Global Perspectives; PHS 640 Foundations in Global Health Practice; PHS 644 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Global Health and Disease; PHS 503 Public Health and Human Rights: The Case of Vulnerable Children; PHS 504 Quality Evaluation and Improvement in Low-Resource Settings; EPS 600 Education for Global Change
headshot of peggy choy

Peggy Choy

Assistant Professor, Dance Program

  • Research Interests: Southeast Asian studies
headshot of Jim Cleary

James Cleary

Associate Professor of Medicine; Palliative Care Medicine Physician; Director, Pain and Policy Studies Group, WHO Collaborating Center for Pain Policy and Palliative Care

  • Research Interests: global pain policy; access to pain medicines; hospice and palliative care practice and education; cancer pain relief; cancer communication; web-based communication in patient care; palliative care research in pain relief, nausea, fatigue, side effects of chemotherapy
Sarah Davis headshot

Sarah Davis

Clinical Associate Professor, UW Law School

  • Research Interests: cataloging and interpreting diverse literature on health advocacy; consumer engagement in quality improvement efforts in health systems
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: 768 Clinical Program: Health Advocacy & Patient-Centered Care; 769 Consumer Issues in Health Care; 935 Intro to Health Care; 940 Public Health Law Practice Workshop
Headshot for Anna M. Gade is missing. A red block shows with the UW crest in white in the center, featuring a large white letter W.

Anna M. Gade

Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies

  • Research Interests: global cultural, historical, and religious responses to environmental change, specializing in history, knowledge, and practices of Southeast Asia
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: Religion and the Environment; Islam, Science & Technology and the Environment; Environmental Humanities in Asian Perspectives
Headshot for Aaron Gilson is missing. A red block shows with the UW crest in white in the center, featuring a large white letter W.

Aaron Gilson

Research Program Manager at the Pain & Policy Studies Group

  • Research Interests: evaluating national and state controlled substances and healthcare practice policies; national trends in the medicinal and non-medicinal use of opioid medications; knowledge and attitudes of state healthcare regulators and practitioners regarding issues of pain management; prescription drug monitoring program characteristics relating to legitimate medication use and aberrant use.
headshot of Rachel Grob

Rachel Grob

Department of Family Medicine Senior Scientist; Associate Clinical Professor and Director of National Initiatives, Center for Patient Partnerships

  • Research Interests: patients' experiences with health care; inclusion of patient experience measures in public reporting; how patient voice influences health policy; theory and practice of advocacy; social impact of genetics; child health
Headshot of Francine Hirsch

Francine Hirsch

Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of History

  • Research Interests: Russian and Soviet history; modern European history; comparative empires
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: History 600-History of Idea of Human Rights; History 600-Genocide, Justice, and Postwar Human Rights
Headshot photo of Alexandra Huneeus

Alexandra Huneeus

Associate Professor of Law

  • Research Interests: public international law; comparative law; Latin America; human rights
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: 641 Sociology of Law; 827 International Law; Climate Justice.
Headshot for Asra Husain is missing. A red block shows with the UW crest in white in the center, featuring a large white letter W.

Asra Husain

Policy and Legal Analyst, University of Wisconsin Pain and Policy Studies Group

  • Research Interests: international pain policy
Rick Keller headshot

Rick Keller

Professor of Medical History and Bioethics

  • Research Interests: The history of European and colonial medicine and public health; history of psychiatry and psychoanalysis;  history of the human sciences; science and race
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: MHB 553: International Health and Global Society; MHB 919: Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Colonial Context
Headshot photo of Heinz Klug

Heinz Klug

John and Rylla Bosshard Professor of Law

  • Research Interests: constitutional transitions; constitution-building; human rights; international legal regimes; natural resources
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: 827 International Law; 895 WI International Law Journal
headshot of Susan Lederer

Susan E. Lederer

Robert Turell Professor of Medical History and Bioethics

  • Research Interests: medicine and society in twentieth-century America; race, medicine, and public health; medicine and popular culture; research ethics; history of medical ethics
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: MHB 668: Seminar: Fat and Thin: Making American Bodies
Headshot for Jenna M. Loyd is missing. A red block shows with the UW crest in white in the center, featuring a large white letter W.

Jenna M. Loyd

Associate Professor, Department of Geography

  • Research Interests: Racism and state violence, refugee resettlement
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: International Migration, Health, and Human Rights 
headshot of Sara McKinnon

Sara McKinnon

Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Arts

  • Research Interests: Intercultural rhetoric, globalization/transnational studies, legal rhetoric, and transnational feminist theory
headshot of Darshana Mini

Darshana Mini

Assistant Professor, Film

    • Research Interests: intersection of gender, sexuality, transnational media, migrant media and screen cultures of South Asia.
    • Human Rights Courses Taught: COM950 – Migrant Media and Diasporic Imaginations
Headshot photo of Richard Monette

Richard Monette

Professor of Law

  • Research Interests: Native Americans and U.S. law, Wisconsin constitutional law; federalism, water law
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: 730 Federal Law & Indian Tribes; 820 Conflict of Laws; 845 Water Rights Law
headshot of Larry Nesper

Larry Nesper

Professor of Anthropology and American Indian Studies

  • Research Interests: Great Lakes Indian law and politics; institutional development
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: Anthro 104-Cultural Anthropology and Human Diversity; Anthro 300-Theory and Ethnography; Anthro 448-Anthropology of Law; Anthro 471-Ethnohistory of American Indian Religious and Political Movements; Anthro 940-Seminar: Law in Culture and Society
Headshot photo of Asifa Quaraishi-Landes

Asifa Quraishi-Landes

Professor of Law

  • Research Interests: Islamic Constitutionalism, Comparative Constitutionalism, Legal Pluralism
headshot for Paul Robbins

Paul Robbins

Dean, Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies

  • Research Interests: human interactions with nature and the politics of natural resource management; conservation conflicts; urban ecology; environment and health interactions
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: Introduction to Environmental Studies Methods in Environmental Research
Headshot photo of Mitra Shirafi

Mitra Sharafi

Evjue-Bascom Professor of Law

  • Research Interests: South Asian legal history; the history of the legal profession; the history of colonialism; the history of contract law; law and society; law and religion; law and minorities; legal consciousness; legal pluralism; and the history of science and medicine.
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: Law and Colonialism
headshot of Sweta Shrestha

Sweta Shrestha

Education Programs Associate for the UW-Madison Global Health Institute

  • Research Interests: international health; epidemiology; zoonotic and/or communicable diseases
Headshot photo of Mark Sidel

Mark Sidel

Doyle-Bascom Professor of Law and Public Affairs

  • Research Interests: nonprofit and philanthropic organizations in the United States and in comparative perspective; civil society and the law; comparative constitutionalism, particularly in China, Vietnam, and other parts of Asia; human trafficking
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: 940 L&CP: Human Trafficking & Involuntary Servitude
headshot of Erica Simmons

Erica Simmons

Assistant Professor, Political Science and International Studies

  • Research Interests: contentious politics, particularly in Latin America
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: Introduction to Contentious Politics (graduate); Contentious Politics (undergraduate); Social Movements and Revolutions in Latin America (undergraduate); The Politics of Food and Water (undergraduate)
headshot of Karen Solheim

Karen Solheim

Clinical Professor and Director of Global Health Initiatives 

  • Research Interests: Community Health Nursing; Global Health Nursing, Global Health Systems
headshot for Scott Strauss

Scott Straus

Professor, Political Science and International Studies

  • Research Interests: genocide; political violence; human rights; African politics
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: 318-The Comparative Study of Genocide
Headshot photo of Steph Tai

Steph Tai

Associate Professor of Law

  • Research Interests: interactions between environmental and health sciences and administrative law; environmental law; food systems law; environmental justice
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: 848 Environmental Law; 988 SP Environmental Law: Natural Resources Law
Headshot photo of Aili Tripp

Aili Tripp

Professor of Political Science and Gender & Women's Studies

  • Research Interests: women and politics in Africa; women's movements in Africa; transnational feminism; African politics; informal economy in Africa
  • Human Rights Courses Taught: GWS320: Special Topics in Gender, Women, and Society; GWS325: Global Feminism; GWS643: Women and Politics in Global Context
Headshot for Alberto M. Vargas is missing. A red block shows with the UW crest in white in the center, featuring a large white letter W.

Alberto M. Vargas

Associate Director of the Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program

  • Research Interests: environmental conservation and natural resource management in Latin America; eco-development; conservation
Sharon Wilcox headshot

Sharon Wilcox

Associate Director of the Center for Culture, History, and Environment in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies

  • Research Interests: wildlife conservation on the U.S./Mexico border with a concern for environmental justice for multi-species communities (humans and animals). Multi-species communities, environmental justice, environmental politics on the U.S./Mexico border, human dimensions of wildlife conservation, environmental humanities, animal geography, cultural geography.

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