Governance Structure
GLS serves as the Human Rights Program's administrative home, with co-chairs and executive director being responsible for its programs.
Executive Director
Affiliated Scholars

Samer Alatout
Associate Professor, Department of Community & Environmental Sociology
- Research Interests: sociology and politics of science and technology; social theories of power and government biopolitics; Foucault Social theories of territory with a focus on borders, political and cultural geography; environmental policy and politics; water politics in the Middle East; environmental politics on the US/Mexico and Palestine/Israel borders; International Development and the politics of sustainability
- Human Rights Courses Taught: Water Policy in International Contexts; International Development, Environment, and Sustainability; Social Theories of Power; Social Theories of Border; Local and Regional Approaches to Sustainability and Vulnerability

Araceli Alonso
Associate Faculty, Department of Gender and Women's Studies and the School of Medicine and Public Health
- Research Interests: women's health and women's rights; Founder and Director of the United Nations Award Winner Health by Motorbike (HbM), an NGO that provides medical services and health literacy to remote and isolated villages in Africa
- Human Rights Courses Taught: GWS535 Global Women's Health and Human Rights; Global Health Field Experience on Human Rights and Sex Trafficking in Spain and Morocco "Sex Trafficking: Criminalized Economies of Gender and Desire"

Sumudu Atapattu
Director of UW Law School Research Centers; Senior Lecturer, UW Law School
- Research Interests: international environmental law; climate change; human rights and the environment
- Human Rights Courses Taught: 918 SP International Law: International Environmental Law; Climate Change, Human Rights and the Environment

Tyrell HaberKorn
Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, Director of Graduate Studies

Ksenija Bilbija
Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
- Research Interests: Cultural Studies; Gender Criticism and Post-Traumatic Memory.

Brandon Bloch
Assistant Professor, History
- Research Interests: research and teaching foreground questions of democracy, citizenship, and human rights; special interest in how European national and religious identities have evolved against the backdrop of territorial conflict, divided sovereignties, ethnic cleansing, and genocide; currently researching democratic reconstruction in post-1945 Germany, with a focus on the role of religious networks in constitutional and human rights politics
- Human Rights Courses Taught: “Genocide, War Crimes Trials, and Human Rights in the 20th Century”

Lori DiPrete Brown
Associate Director for Education and Engagement for the Global Health Institute; Director of the 4W Initiative
- Research Interests: global health; vulnerable populations (especially women and children)
- Human Rights Courses Taught: PHS 370 Introduction to Public Health: Local to Global Perspectives; PHS 640 Foundations in Global Health Practice; PHS 644 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Global Health and Disease; PHS 503 Public Health and Human Rights: The Case of Vulnerable Children; PHS 504 Quality Evaluation and Improvement in Low-Resource Settings; EPS 600 Education for Global Change

James Cleary
Associate Professor of Medicine; Palliative Care Medicine Physician; Director, Pain and Policy Studies Group, WHO Collaborating Center for Pain Policy and Palliative Care
- Research Interests: global pain policy; access to pain medicines; hospice and palliative care practice and education; cancer pain relief; cancer communication; web-based communication in patient care; palliative care research in pain relief, nausea, fatigue, side effects of chemotherapy

Sarah Davis
Clinical Associate Professor, UW Law School
- Research Interests: cataloging and interpreting diverse literature on health advocacy; consumer engagement in quality improvement efforts in health systems
- Human Rights Courses Taught: 768 Clinical Program: Health Advocacy & Patient-Centered Care; 769 Consumer Issues in Health Care; 935 Intro to Health Care; 940 Public Health Law Practice Workshop

Anna M. Gade
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
- Research Interests: global cultural, historical, and religious responses to environmental change, specializing in history, knowledge, and practices of Southeast Asia
- Human Rights Courses Taught: Religion and the Environment; Islam, Science & Technology and the Environment; Environmental Humanities in Asian Perspectives

Aaron Gilson
Research Program Manager at the Pain & Policy Studies Group
- Research Interests: evaluating national and state controlled substances and healthcare practice policies; national trends in the medicinal and non-medicinal use of opioid medications; knowledge and attitudes of state healthcare regulators and practitioners regarding issues of pain management; prescription drug monitoring program characteristics relating to legitimate medication use and aberrant use.

Rachel Grob
Department of Family Medicine Senior Scientist; Associate Clinical Professor and Director of National Initiatives, Center for Patient Partnerships
- Research Interests: patients' experiences with health care; inclusion of patient experience measures in public reporting; how patient voice influences health policy; theory and practice of advocacy; social impact of genetics; child health

Francine Hirsch
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of History
- Research Interests: Russian and Soviet history; modern European history; comparative empires
- Human Rights Courses Taught: History 600-History of Idea of Human Rights; History 600-Genocide, Justice, and Postwar Human Rights

Alexandra Huneeus
Associate Professor of Law
- Research Interests: public international law; comparative law; Latin America; human rights
- Human Rights Courses Taught: 641 Sociology of Law; 827 International Law; Climate Justice.

Asra Husain
Policy and Legal Analyst, University of Wisconsin Pain and Policy Studies Group
- Research Interests: international pain policy

Rick Keller
Professor of Medical History and Bioethics
- Research Interests: The history of European and colonial medicine and public health; history of psychiatry and psychoanalysis; history of the human sciences; science and race
- Human Rights Courses Taught: MHB 553: International Health and Global Society; MHB 919: Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Colonial Context

Heinz Klug
John and Rylla Bosshard Professor of Law
- Research Interests: constitutional transitions; constitution-building; human rights; international legal regimes; natural resources
- Human Rights Courses Taught: 827 International Law; 895 WI International Law Journal

Susan E. Lederer
Robert Turell Professor of Medical History and Bioethics
- Research Interests: medicine and society in twentieth-century America; race, medicine, and public health; medicine and popular culture; research ethics; history of medical ethics
- Human Rights Courses Taught: MHB 668: Seminar: Fat and Thin: Making American Bodies

Jenna M. Loyd
Associate Professor, Department of Geography
- Research Interests: Racism and state violence, refugee resettlement
- Human Rights Courses Taught: International Migration, Health, and Human Rights

Sara McKinnon
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Arts
- Research Interests: Intercultural rhetoric, globalization/transnational studies, legal rhetoric, and transnational feminist theory

Darshana Mini
Assistant Professor, Film
- Research Interests: intersection of gender, sexuality, transnational media, migrant media and screen cultures of South Asia.
- Human Rights Courses Taught: COM950 – Migrant Media and Diasporic Imaginations

Richard Monette
Professor of Law
- Research Interests: Native Americans and U.S. law, Wisconsin constitutional law; federalism, water law
- Human Rights Courses Taught: 730 Federal Law & Indian Tribes; 820 Conflict of Laws; 845 Water Rights Law

Larry Nesper
Professor of Anthropology and American Indian Studies
- Research Interests: Great Lakes Indian law and politics; institutional development
- Human Rights Courses Taught: Anthro 104-Cultural Anthropology and Human Diversity; Anthro 300-Theory and Ethnography; Anthro 448-Anthropology of Law; Anthro 471-Ethnohistory of American Indian Religious and Political Movements; Anthro 940-Seminar: Law in Culture and Society

Asifa Quraishi-Landes
Professor of Law
- Research Interests: Islamic Constitutionalism, Comparative Constitutionalism, Legal Pluralism

Paul Robbins
Dean, Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
- Research Interests: human interactions with nature and the politics of natural resource management; conservation conflicts; urban ecology; environment and health interactions
- Human Rights Courses Taught: Introduction to Environmental Studies Methods in Environmental Research

Mitra Sharafi
Evjue-Bascom Professor of Law
- Research Interests: South Asian legal history; the history of the legal profession; the history of colonialism; the history of contract law; law and society; law and religion; law and minorities; legal consciousness; legal pluralism; and the history of science and medicine.
- Human Rights Courses Taught: Law and Colonialism

Sweta Shrestha
Education Programs Associate for the UW-Madison Global Health Institute
- Research Interests: international health; epidemiology; zoonotic and/or communicable diseases

Mark Sidel
Doyle-Bascom Professor of Law and Public Affairs
- Research Interests: nonprofit and philanthropic organizations in the United States and in comparative perspective; civil society and the law; comparative constitutionalism, particularly in China, Vietnam, and other parts of Asia; human trafficking
- Human Rights Courses Taught: 940 L&CP: Human Trafficking & Involuntary Servitude

Erica Simmons
Assistant Professor, Political Science and International Studies
- Research Interests: contentious politics, particularly in Latin America
- Human Rights Courses Taught: Introduction to Contentious Politics (graduate); Contentious Politics (undergraduate); Social Movements and Revolutions in Latin America (undergraduate); The Politics of Food and Water (undergraduate)

Karen Solheim
Clinical Professor and Director of Global Health Initiatives
- Research Interests: Community Health Nursing; Global Health Nursing, Global Health Systems

Scott Straus
Professor, Political Science and International Studies
- Research Interests: genocide; political violence; human rights; African politics
- Human Rights Courses Taught: 318-The Comparative Study of Genocide

Steph Tai
Associate Professor of Law
- Research Interests: interactions between environmental and health sciences and administrative law; environmental law; food systems law; environmental justice
- Human Rights Courses Taught: 848 Environmental Law; 988 SP Environmental Law: Natural Resources Law

Aili Tripp
Professor of Political Science and Gender & Women's Studies
- Research Interests: women and politics in Africa; women's movements in Africa; transnational feminism; African politics; informal economy in Africa
- Human Rights Courses Taught: GWS320: Special Topics in Gender, Women, and Society; GWS325: Global Feminism; GWS643: Women and Politics in Global Context

Alberto M. Vargas
Associate Director of the Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program
- Research Interests: environmental conservation and natural resource management in Latin America; eco-development; conservation

Sharon Wilcox
Associate Director of the Center for Culture, History, and Environment in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
- Research Interests: wildlife conservation on the U.S./Mexico border with a concern for environmental justice for multi-species communities (humans and animals). Multi-species communities, environmental justice, environmental politics on the U.S./Mexico border, human dimensions of wildlife conservation, environmental humanities, animal geography, cultural geography.