1. Introduction

  2. Course Information: The Curriculum

    1. First-Year Courses: Introduction
      1. First-Year Part-Time Schedules
    2. Second- And Third-Year Courses
      1. Second-Year and Third-Year Status
      2. Planning Your Second-Year Curriculum
      3. Planning Your Third-Year Curriculum
      4. Upper-Level Course Offerings By Semester
      5. Curricular Concentrations
    3. Registering
      1. Registering for Fall Semester of the First Year
      2. Registering for Spring Semester of the First Year
      3. Registering for the Fall Semester of the Second and Third Years
      4. Wait-Lists & Courses that are “Full”
      5. Determining if Seats are Still Available
      6. Second-year and Third-year Students in 1L-only Electives
      7. Registering for the Spring Semester of the Second and Third Years
      8. Registering for "Consent of Instructor" Courses
      9. Registering for Clinical Programs
      10. Summer Law Courses
      11. Directed Reading & Directed Research
      12. UW Law Registration while Studying Abroad or Visiting another US Law School
      13. Registering for Abnormally High Course Loads
    4. The Online Course Schedule
    5. Non-Law Courses
    6. Withdrawing from Law School
    7. Auditing a Law School class
    8. Retaking a Course
  3. Buying Law Books

    1. Introduction
    2. Determining What Books You Need
  4. Graduation & Bar Admissions

    1. Introduction
    2. J.D. Degree Requirements
    3. J.D. Degree: Requirements and Limitations
    4. J.D. Degree: Credit/Hour & Subject Requirements
      1. Credit/Hour Requirement (the 90-Credit Rule)
      2. Subject Requirements
    5. J.D. Degree: Grade Point Average Requirement
    6. Wisconsin Diploma Privilege Requirements
      1. Academic Requirements
      2. Degree and Course Requirements
      3. Overlap of the 60-Credit Rule with Other Requirements
      4. 60-Credit Rule and Clinicals, Trial Advocacy, Lawyering Skills, Professional Responsibilities
      5. Required Grades for Diploma Privilege
    7. Diploma Privilege: Character & Fitness Certification
      1. Introduction
      2. Securing an Application
      3. Immediately Review the Application
      4. Application Fees
      5. Application Deadlines
    8. Diploma Privilege: State Bar of Wisconsin, and Swearing-in before the Wisconsin Supreme Court
    9. Admission to the Bar of U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin
    10. Admission to the Bar of U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, Other Federal Courts, U.S. Supreme Court
    11. Diploma Privilege: Other Swearing-In Options
      1. Out-of-State Swearing In
      2. Early Admission
    12. Bar Admission in States Other Than Wisconsin
      1. Introduction
      2. Important Note Regarding New York Bar Admission Requirements
      3. Early Registration: States Other Than Wisconsin
      4. Timeliness
      5. Certification of Law Degree
    13. Graduation Information
      1. Preparing for Graduation Checklist
      2. Applying to Graduate
      3. Commencement Ceremony Options
      4. Graduation Invitations
      5. Honors & Dean’s Academic Achievement Award
      6. Academic Regalia for Graduation Ceremonies (Attire)
      7. Post-Graduation and Bar Admission Information
      8. Ordering Transcripts
      9. Graduation Class Rank
      10. The Order of the Coif
      11. Bar Admission
      12. Swearing-In Ceremonies
      13. Office of Career & Professional Development Graduation Information
      14. Financial Information for Graduates
    14. JD Degree & Diploma Privilege Worksheets
  5. Technology

    1. Computer Labs
    2. Backup your DATA!
    3. Printing
    4. Public Access Computers
    5. Wireless Networking
    6. Support for Your Personal Computer
    7. Resources for Student Organizations
      1. Computers and Technical Support
      2. Email Lists
      3. Websites
    8. Email and Web Portal Access
      1. Obtaining and Activating Your NetID
      2. Accessing Your Email
      3. Accessing the My UW-Madison Web Portal
      4. Forwarding Mail to Another Account
      5. Law School Email Lists
    9. Technology Policies
  6. The Law Library

    1.  Introduction 
    2. Policies
      1. Library Hours
      2. Library Access
      3. Study Carrels
      4. Study Rooms
      5.  Food and Beverages
      6. Noise and Other Distractions
    3. Reference and Research Assistance
      1. Locating Library Materials
      2. Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery
      3. Checking Out Library Materials
      4. Lost and Damaged Materials
      5. Course Materials
      6. Recreational Reading and Feature Films
      7. Purchase Recommendations and New Books
    4. Technology in the Law Library
      1. Computer Labs and Public Access Computers  
      2. Scanners, Copiers and Printers   
      3. Laptop and Mobile Device Use   
      4. Email Access   
      5. Electronic Legal Research (LexisNexis, Westlaw Bloomberg Law, etc.)
  7. Examinations

    1. Introduction
    2. Rescheduling Law School Exams
    3. Special Examination Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
    4. Re-writing Examination/Re-taking a Course 
    5. Final exams the semester of graduation
  8. Misconduct

    1. Conduct expectations
    2. UW-Madison Dean of Students Office-Dean on call
    3. Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
    4. Academic Misconduct
    5. Nonacademic Misconduct
    6. Late Disclosure of Academic or Nonacademic Misconduct
  9. Grades, GPAs, Class Standing & Honors

    1. Introduction
    2. Explanation of Grading System: Letter Grades
      1. Non-Law School (University) Letter Grades
    3. Explanation of Grading System: Pass/Fail Grades
    4. Incompletes
    5. GPA Computation & Class Rank 
      1. Class Rank
      2. Providing Information to Employers
    6. Obtaining an Official or Unofficial Transcript
      1. Grades: Studying Abroad and Visiting Students
    7. Honors and Awards
      1. Dean's Honor List
      2. Dean's Academic Achievement Awards
      3. Graduation Honors: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, & Summa Cum Laude
      4. Order of the Coif
      5. Other Awards and Honors
  10. Transferring, Visiting, Going Part-time & Leaves of Absences

    1. Transferring from the UW Law School
    2. Visiting at another Law School in the United States
    3. Special Issues for Part-Time Students
    4. Leaves of Absence
  11. Office of Career & Professional Development

    1. Mission
    2. Professionalism
    3. Programming
      1. Career Exploration
      2. Required Programming for First Year Law Students
      3. Other Programming/Events
    4. Individual Counseling
    5. Symplicity
    6. Resources
      1. Electronic
      2. Print
      3. Video/Teleconferencing
    7. On-Campus Interviewing (OCI)
    8. Other Recruiting Events
      1. Off-Campus Interview Program
      2. Off-Campus Job Fairs
        1. Diversity Job Fairs
        2. Specialized Job Fairs
        3. Public Interest Law Job Fairs
    9. Judicial Clerkships
    10. Public Interest and Government Opportunities
      1. Job Fairs
      2. Summer Public Service Fellowships (SPSF)
      3. Helpful Websites
      4. Seminars/Skill Building
      5. Post-Graduate Fellowships
      6. Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP)
      7. Student Transition to Employment Program (STEP)
      8. Public Interest List Serv
    11. Contact Information
  12. Dual Degrees, Study Abroad & Certificate Programs

    1. How Dual and Joint Degrees Affect Earning the J.D. Degree
      1. Dual Degree in Law and Business
    2. Certificate Programs
    3. Study Abroad
  13. Experiential Learning Programs

    1. Overview 
    2. Live-Client Clinics
    3. Externships 
    4. The Pro Bono Program
    5. The Lawyering Skills Program
    6. Frequently Asked Questions 
  14. Financial Aid

    1. Financial Aid at the UW Law School 
    2. To Apply for Federal Aid 
    3. To Apply for Need- and Merit-Based Scholarships 
    4. Award Letters and Processing of Financial Aid 
    5. Fall 2023-24 Tuition and Fees - Law School  
      1. Residency for Tuition Purposes
    6. Estimated Student Expense Budgets 
      1. Calculating your Personal Expense Budget
      2. Students who worked full-time prior to law school
      3. What to do if you are experiencing financial difficulties
      4. Short Term Emergency Loans
    7. Reapplication process for continuing students 
    8. Managing your student loans during school and upon graduation 
      1. Preparing for Graduation
      2. Loan Repayment Plans
      3. Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities
        1. Deferment
        2. Forbearance
      4. Repayment Incentives
      5. Consequences for Delinquent or Defaulted Loans
      6. Repayment Assistance
        1. Public Service Loan Forgiveness
        2. The UW Law School Loan Repayment Assistance Program
      7. Bar Loan
    9. Helpful Resources
  15. Student Organizations

    1. Organizations
    2. Student Publications
    3. Moot Court
    4. Mock Trial
  16. Support Services

    1. Communications
    2. Disabilities
    3. Temporary Disabilities and Pregnancy
    4. Freedom from Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
      1. Harassment
    5. Sexual Assault/Stalking/Domestic Violence
    6. Complaints 
    7. Hate and Bias Incidents 
    8. Student Privacy Rights (FERPA)
    9. DACA / Undocumented Students
  17. Special Events at the Law School

    1. Homecoming Cane Toss
    2. Dean’s Cup: Law v. Medicine
    3. Legal Education Opportunity Banquet
    4. Commencement
  18. Facilities & Event Planning

    1. Requesting Services and Support 
    2. Sign Posting 
      1. Permanent Signage
      2. Departmental and Student Organization Bulletin Boards
      3. General Postings
      4. Alternatives to Sign Posting
    3. Temporary Display Policy
    4. Temporary Food Sales
    5. Building Access
    6. Event Planning
      1. A/V & Tech Services 
      2. Building Access
      3. Clean Up
      4. Events Calendar 
      5. Facilities Services 
      6. Food and Beverage Service
      7. Posting Announcements
      8. Parking
      9. Printing/Duplication
      10. Publicity
      11. Classroom Reservations
      12. Atrium, Lubar Commons and Conference Room Reservations
  19. Administration Contacts*

    1. Academic Affairs 
      1. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
      2. Academic Advisor
      3. Registrar
    2. Student Affairs 
      1. Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
    3. Office of Career & Professional Development 
      1. Assistant Dean for OCPD
      2. OCPD General Information
    4. Admissions & Financial Aid 
      1. Associate Dean for Admissions & Financial Aid
      2. Scholarships & Financial Aid
    5. Dean's Office 
      1. Dean
      2. Dean's Office General Information
    6. Business Office & Facilities
      1. Accountant
      2. Building Managers
    7. Directory
  20. Wisconsin Law Alumni Association

  21. UW Law School History

*Section 19. Administration Contacts includes current information for contacts referenced throughout the Student Handbook. For a full listing of faculty & staff, see our Faculty & Staff Directory or Department Directory.

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