All of the information and forms on this page have been updated for 2024-2025.  

Co-curricular activities, registered student organizations, and individual students must use the forms below to request Law School JD Grants funding for local events, virtual events, and travel. The JD Grants Committee is the only funding source within the Law School for student events except for the Student Bar Association and other law student organizations. Do not seek funding from Law School programs, departments, faculty, or administrators. Any amount received from these other Law School sources will be subtracted from a grant approved by the committee.

Note: Students cannot sign financial contracts. If an event involves a contract with any entity, you must inform the Law School and discuss feasibility and process. Contact either (1) the External Affairs Office at or (2) Carlie Wiseley, the Student Life & Engagement Manager, at


Business Purpose Information and JD Grants Email Address

All use of university funds must be supported by a Business Purpose.  For information and examples, please read the Business Purpose Information Document (Word document).

Email forms and reports as Word documents to




Local Events

See Law School Handbook Section 18: Facilities and Event Planning for important information about planning local events. 

Funding for Food at Local Events:  Student groups--both student organizations and co-curricular activities--sponsor a wide variety of local events. Because the JD Grants Committee works within a limited budget, it cannot pay for food at all local events. The committee usually provides funding for food only for events (1) that last most of the day and (2) include outside participants. The committee is not likely to fund food for an event in which a speaker or panel gives a presentation over the noon hour for UW Law students. The committee may fund food, such as a noon meal or an evening reception, for participants at an all-day conference or symposium that includes people from outside the Law School.


Travel Awards

First-Year Students' Participation in Competitions:  First-year students may participate in competitions funded by the JD Grants Committee if they first discuss the effect of participation on their law school coursework with both (1) the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and (2) the advisor for their student organization, if any.  If you are a first-year student who is considering participating in a competition, please contact Lauren Devine, the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, at

Travel Awards' Impact on Financial Aid:  Federal regulations require that travel awards be included in students' financial aid packages. When you receive a travel award, the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) will recalculate your financial aid package for the academic year. Your federal loan eligibility for this year will be reduced by the amount of the travel award.

If you currently receive financial aid (including scholarships, federal loans, grants, etc.) at or near your Cost of Attendance (COA), the travel award may cause your total financial aid to exceed your COA. If that happens, you may see a balance owed on your tuition account equivalent to the amount that you have been over-awarded. You will be responsible for paying any balance. You can see any changes to your financial aid package and your tuition account in your Student Center. 

If you have questions about how a travel award will interact with your financial aid, please contact Heidi Johnson, Assistant Director of Scholarships and Financial Aid, at


Virtual Events

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